Saturday, November 4, 2017

my Dad was a character...

I was talking to myself in the car today, as usual...when suddenly a word,...phrase? ...came out of my mouth and I was struck by the oddness of it...  It was something my father would say when he wanted to make certain that whoever he was talking to really did not do something....   "you dasn't" ..... yes "dasn't" ... meaning "you dare not!"  that "a" in "dasn't" is like a double "a" or similar to the way you pronounce the "a" in the word air.  ..... "dasn't"  --I have to wonder where that came from! Was it something that his mother said?  There is no one for me to ask about that.  But this reminds me of phraseology I have written about in a previous blog post.  I wish I could find it.... but here is another phrase from my childhood memories....  "putnear" or "put-in-near" ---pretty near.... yes,... "putnear" is pretty near to what I heard in many discussions with the range of my father's "it's putnear time to get on home." and the like.....

I suppose that everyone has some memory of odd phraseology or odd verbiage from some time in their life, or some place they have visited.  Is it "pop" or is it "soda",.. and please, please do not tell me that all soda-pop is "coke", because I will not accept that,... I do not like Coke, I like Pepsi, and I find calling all soda pop "coke" offensive.  (no I am not a liberal snowflake --no offense to anyone in particular, but I have certainly hurt someone's feelings now -not that I care --GROW A PAIR and don't be a whiny baby PLEASE.)

But this does lead to where we find ourselves in the year of our Lord, 2017.  People get their feelings all hurt by words, or by inanimate objects... and my answer to the bullshite the media report on is this simple:  FEED THE HUNGRY IN YOUR COMMUNITY!!!  HOUSE THE HOMELESS, ... CLOTHE THE CLOTHESLESS!!!  


Help those in your community who need help, whatever they need help with, it does not matter what,.... but rather than waste time protesting over stupid things HELP OTHERS.... DO SOMETHING THAT MAKES A DIFFERENCE, that will matter more in the end.

I think my dad would agree.

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