Sunday, November 26, 2017

Sunday morning musing

It is early on a Sunday morning, the end of the Thanksgiving weekend. Back to work tomorrow, rising in the wee hours of the morning, leaving home while it is still dark.  But today I am in my usual seat, in the café, coffee before me.   The café is empty and quiet just minutes after opening.  I am preparing, in my booth, to enter my own little world.  These café days fly by, while I while away in my private world, not noticing most of the comings and goings.  Events external of my private world do not exist, for a little while.  And it is most peaceful, as I allow my muse to consume all thought.

Frequently this early hour is spent consumed in whatever song I woke up with.  I wake up with a song in my head…almost every morning.  Toughest are the days I must go to the job, because there is no time to find the song, whether owned or searched on the internet…. So I am stuck, either having to try to forget the music, or to find something else to listen to.  Later my music for the day is changeable, depending on what cds I have brought with me, or what someone else brings,… or a Beatles cd in a Nirvana case –irony, as the Beatles are a kind of nirvana….

Slowly the café grows busier. A few regulars have wandered in as I slip away.  I make my escape in the private world of my own making…..

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