Saturday, November 18, 2017

Heartbreaking and Devastating (to Danny and Bri)

To be honest I did not know whether I would write anything today.... but yesterday I happened to open Facebook in the afternoon to heartbreaking news....  A young couple I know of,...they were on vacation with their children,... and while they were enjoying a family trip their home burned to the ground.... they lost everything they owned, and (horrifically) they lost more than 30 family pets.... ferrets, birds, and reptiles. 

there is nothing left to salvage. nothing.

I cannot imagine their sorrow.  Fire. My house burning down is probably my biggest fear,..throughout my life nothing has ever worried me more than that thought.

Brianne and Daniel are fellow Stargate fans.  They may not know me, but I know them.  Brianne was a volunteer at several of the conventions I attended, and she stood out because she is so happy and full of life.  They met at a Stargate convention, they fell in love. I was in the audience when Daniel proposed to Brianne in front of hundreds of Stargate fans....   and their wedding took place at the final Stargate Convention in Chicago in 2016. I was there.

Bri and Dan were married on the stage at the final Stargate Con in 2016

To Brianne, Daniel, and the children:  I am so sorry for your losses.  My heart breaks for you over the loss of the pets you loved and cared for, and everything you lost.


below are 2 links to fundraising websites to help the Jackson family begin to rebuild their life:

ANY donation will help and be greatly appreciated.  

Please share this blog post.

addendum: link to news story

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