Sunday, November 5, 2017

No words,... no silly this morning....

I feel that my world has grown a little bit darker,.... a little bit smaller....
It is hard to believe that just two days ago I told someone that I never cross the river in downtown Rockford unless I have specific business in the downtown area, especially after dark. 
This morning, and hereafter, I will seriously consider ever crossing Alpine Road, particularly after dark, ever again.  (For those familiar with the area I do realize that the DMV is on the other side of Alpine Road.)

In the early morning hours, overnight, last night, a Rockford Police Officer was shot near Alpine Road, just north of East State Street, Highway 20, in Rockford.

Rockford Police Officer Jaimie Cox was a local.  He grew up in the greater Rockford area. 

Today the Internet is not fun and games for me. My heart breaks for this officer's family. My heart breaks that crime has increased to such an ugly extent.  I am upset by the growing hatred and the violence that has come with it. People who claim to not want to hurt others, people who want to open our country to a barrage of immigrants who will overrun the capabilities of law enforcement. 

What has happened to us?  My empathetic heart cannot take much more of this.


I feel that society, as a whole, is failing miserably.  Why can't we all just get along....  I do believe that, ultimately, all of us want peace.  

give peace a chance <click ...................      click> Imagine all the people sharing all the world....

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