Saturday, November 11, 2017

No words,..... afterword...

The funeral for Rockford Police Officer Jaimie Cox is today.

They expect a huge number of people to attend and to line the route of the procession after the service.  The procession is to cross through downtown Rockford, passing police headquarters and then cross back to the east side of town.

I will not be attending either the service or those who line the processional route.
It is cold, and I expect that there will be a lot of people, ...parking is limited,.... I will be staying away from the chaos. Lord knows, the police don't need more people out there....

I will be observing a moment (at 10:00a.m.), more likely several minutes.... of silence and stillness, praying for the soul of Jaimie Cox, for his family and loved ones,... and reflecting on memories of those who have gone before me whom I have loved.

The findings, on the unfortunate death of Rockford Police Officer Jaimie Cox were that he died due to blunt trauma, and the other man, Eddie Patterson, died of a gunshot wound.  The actual facts of what occurred may never be known. 


no-words-no-silly-this-morning. Sunday, 11/5/17


The funeral of Jaimie Cox was over two hours long, ending outside the church with taps and a 21 gun salute.... and the ceremonial final radio call,..."We will take it from here."
Fifteen minutes later the procession began, following a 20 mile route across the city of Rockford and back to Mulford Road, south of Newburg where it ended at funeral home for a private service for the family of Jaimie Cox.  The procession was over 620 law enforcement vehicles, carrying more than 2,000 representatives of law enforcement from all over the state of Illinois, and across the United States.  Respect.  Hundreds lined the sides of the roads in a display of respect and support.  It was moving and sobering.  

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