Thursday, November 9, 2017

I don't give a good gorram if you know this about me.... (part 2)

I own and actually like my Partridge Family albums.... (yes vinyl), .... and David Cassidy.....

link to I Think I Love You


Cheerful happy songs.  What? you know that I am not a happy cheerful person? Well, I DON'T CARE!!! There I said it.... I don't care what you think.... These are the songs of my youth,... formative time of my life 

link to my favorite David Cassidy album: Cherish  (I dare you to listen ....)

to be honest Cherish is the only David Cassidy album I own, and I don't need another David Cassidy album if I have this one.  Beautiful songs, heart break, love, longing..... 

I guess that it was a time in a girl's life that is the most memorable in some ways....still retaining some innocence, and having a lot of hopes and dreams..... if only............. could it be forever......


If you know me at all then you know that I have that wide range of musical tastes.... eclectic... I still own all of my vinyl.  Some mainstream, some obscure,... some very rare, exclusive recordings of lesser known singers.  Jane Jones Band, Jim Croce, John Denver, Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, Bobby Sherman, The Beatles, The Monkees, Cher, Charlotte Church, Billy Joel, Rod Stewart, Foreigner, Styx, Pink Floyd, ELO, Signal Room,......oh heck -ask me a group or singer,... too many for me to think of all of them.....

I am not ashamed of liking a song, regardless of who is doing the singing!

"David Cassidy has been hospitalized with organ failure, needs liver transplant."

I have this album:  
I LIKE THE SONGS! and he is an ok singer.....
the single released was Let Her In ...DANG! A total blast from the past..... it has been a very long time since I listened to Let Her In.....   He could carry a tune, but the world had moved on to a smoother, sythesized rock and roll, and this album was quickly forgotten......

(I have a clear memory of going to Woodfield Shopping Mall to see John Travolta live.... there were an estimated ridiculously HUGE number of young ladies --all SCREAMING at the top of their lungs.... It was John's first such public appearance, and he was literally dumbstruck.... he was escorted out very rapidly,.... they could NOT silence the screaming, poor John was in shock.... I did not stick around either..... but we purchased the album while all those girls were screaming their lungs out..... I barely got even a glimpse of John Travolta myself.) 

Seriously! Click on the Let Her In link and listen to the song and then keep listening to Dick Clark interview John Travolta, and listen to how young and relatively innocent he still was..... so sweet.

good memories......

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