Saturday, July 1, 2017

studying and memories of schooling

This is an "off the cuff" blog post,.... not thought out in advance.
I have been rather busy with other things, to the extent that I did not allow inspiration to interrupt my studies.  I was studying for 20 days, trying to learn what I might need to pass the state insurance producer licensing test.  One thing I learned is that it is much more difficult to put more knowledge into my brain and retain.... I cannot spit much of it back out either.... makes me wonder how I passed the exam.  And they give you NO information other than a piece of paper that states that I passed because I correctly answered more than 70% of the questions on the test. After 20 days of intense studying I sure would like to know which questions I incorrectly answered -so that I can study some more.
Oh, did you know me in high school? Yes, I was a total slacker. I detested school, from the start,... K through grade 12 - I hated every minute of it,... except for music, recess, and lunch.  I imagine that I might have loved home-schooling, but my mother was not going anywhere near that.  Oh well.... later in life I appreciated school more.  Not when I went to the local community college -straight out of high school, but later when I returned to school.
In my late 20's I went back to school, and this time it was very important for me to do well.  I took computer classes, which at that time consisted of how to use a computer, and how to use each of various computer programs: WordPerfect, Excel, the Internet, ... followed by Computer Logic, and various other, more advanced things.  Microcomputer Skills was the name they put on it.  And it was very important to me to do well,.... my final GPA was 3.87.  Pretty good for someone who only managed 2.0 in high school --mostly due to lack of attendance.
Looking back, at my high school years, I had a great time.  I regret some of it, but ideally, if I could go back, I would go back further than high school --ONLY if I could know the most important things that I now know.
Ok, well, that's all I have for now.

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