Thursday, June 15, 2017

Siblings and a mother's love

From the beginning (of the series) I have watched a television program named Better Call Saul with some interest.  Initially I was simply intrigued with the character of Jimmy McGill and his evolution or “de”volution, into the Breaking Bad character Saul Goodman. -- Then they introduced us to Jimmy’s older brother Chuck.  Older brother,…. I had three of those,… now absorb this fact: all of my brothers were older than I by the measurement of a generation –they were adults long before I was born.

Chuck and Jimmy? They made me think of my mother’s son.  He was 26 years older than me.  He passed away, not long ago,…and some of you may be aware that we were,…for lack of a better word: estranged.  After our mother died I did not hear from her son, my half brother.  At one time in my life I called him “brother”, and I did that proudly.  At the same time he called me “HALF –sister”, at that time I shrugged off that label.  But that changed later.

So when Chuck says, “I made Mom proud” –well that was absolutely true for my mother’s son –he made her proud.  It’s a fact; I know it, his children know it,…. anyone who paid attention to our mother knows it –he made her proud and there was love in that.

And, much like Jimmy, I made (our) Mom laugh.  I was her friend, in the end.  Mom and I,….we were like each other’s “significant other” in many ways.  Let me explain….  You see, my Dad died when I was a kid.  It was just my mother and I for several years after dad died.  Then she married again, and there was another party present for quite a few years,..but that did not change our understanding of each other –mom and I.  And after her husband passed away, Mom came to live at my house.  Mom lived with me full time, and we had blast.  And her son, my half-brother felt that; he knew that we were close in a way he could never broach.  
I know that what I experienced with my (our) Mother was special…it was just the two of us for so many years. We talked to each other every day for more than 25 years.  There was no way that her son, who was an adult and lived in another state could possibly achieve what I had with our mother.  She was my friend, my mother, a kind of significant other,….we had inside jokes for crying out loud!  We were girlfriends! We shopped together, we watched television together,….and because we were mother and daughter we were inseparable.

I wish that everyone could have that with their mother or their father or both of their parents. That friendship and those kind of good times.  But I digress…..

As I stated a few paragraphs ago, I have watched the story play out, of a pair of siblings, with great interest….  “George made Mom proud. I made her laugh.”

George, you are gone now, so I cannot say this to your face,….  
Mom loved you so much. Mom was proud of you.  Mom did not have a favorite –the woman loved to brag about her children –BOTH OF US. 

You made her proud, and I made her laugh,… but there was always love in her heart.

(Any suggested similarity between television characters mentioned and my brother and myself ends at the sibling connection,... beyond that there is no resemblance between the afore mentioned fictional television characters and my family.)

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