Thursday, July 27, 2017

part 2 --Villains we Love to Hate .... a brief look at the villains of Stargate SG-1

I LOVE a well portrayed villain.....

That's right: A Brief Look at the Villains of Stargate SG-1

This will be brief, because Stargate SG-1 was 10 seasons, with many villains, some minor and only in single episodes or short story arcs, and some recurring over several seasons.  I will look at human or Earth villains, as well as the major Goa'uld villians.  I am thinking mainly of a handful of actors I have met - who portrayed Goa'uld villains.... Goa'uld character in Stargate SG-1

Not taken in any particular order: 

Goa'uld villains

Let me first explain, for those who are uninitiated, that the Goa'uld are parasites that possess their "host" by invading the body and attaching to the base of the brain, by wrapping their snake-like body around the spinal cord at the cervical level.  This allows them to gain control over the host, and pervasively take over control, leaving the unwitting host able to see the horrible atrocities that are committed by the Goa'uld, while remaining unable to regain control over their body.  A living nightmare that is prolonged for as long as several centuries, by the use of a sarcophagus in which they are restored, or rejuvenated, and even healed from extreme injury and illness.

Apophis is a Goa'uld System Lord, deliciously portrayed by Peter Williams.  

Apophis is the main Goa'uld villain for most of the first four seasons of Stargate SG-1.  It is Apophis who takes Daniel Jackson's wife Sha're to be host to his queen, Amonet. This keeps Daniel Jackson in the story, because Daniel wants to rescue his beloved wife Sha're from what amounts to possession by the Goa'uld Amonet. 
Apophis is a fearsome character who attempt to launch attacks on Earth, and several times actually captures the SG-1 team, only to have them effect their escape every time.  Apophis is no quitter. Time and again he meets the SG-1 team and each time he is thwarted in his efforts to hold and destroy, or enslave them. 
(I met Peter Williams, and took the opportunity to tell him how much I appreciated his delightfully evil portrayal of Apophis.)

Hathor, Goa'uld,  former Queen of Ra, appears in 3 episodes, excellently portrayed by Suanne Braun

Another evilly delicious villain... Hathor had viewers squirming as she took over the male population of SG headquarters, an inhalant, brainwashing drug.  Every male in the base was enslaved to Hathor to do her bidding.  Fortunately Major Samantha Carter and Doctor Janet Frasier were able to thwart Hathor's plot to turn the male population of SG Command into Jaffa slaves, by placing Goa'uld symbiotes in them. (It should be mentioned that Teal'c, as a Jaffa, was immune to Hathor's evil plot.)
(I also had the opportunity to tell the delightful Suanne Braun that I appreciated her mastery as the villainous, mesmerizing Hathor.)

Ba'al, Goa'uld System Lord, mesmerizingly portrayed by Cliff Simon.

"I am a god. Gods are all-knowing." -Ba'al

Exasperating and scornfully arrogant, Ba'al is one of the last System Lords.  Ba'al has a basic understanding of the concept of  humor, unlike the other System Lords.  Utterly ruthless, he even clones himself.  (for more detail regarding Ba'al click here)  There is a certain mesmerizing delight in seeing multiple versions of Ba'al sharing the screen.  Cliff Simon moves with a grace that adds a layer to his gorgeous portrayal of Ba'al.... and, as I learned while searching for just the right photo of Ba'al, there is no "right" picture, you must actually watch him portray Ba'al to truly grasp the beauty of the portrayal.   (for a sampling of Ba'al click here -or search on youtube for Ba'al Stargate)
(Cliff Simon appeared taken aback when I told him how much I loved his mesmerizingly evil portrayal of Ba'al, and also delighted with my perspective.) ---  See also see also Paris Nights: My Year at the Moulin Rouge by Cliff Simon

Earth villains

Two particular Earth villains come immediately to mind:

Senator Kinsey 
Ronny Cox as Senator Kinsey
A particularly despicable Senator who wants to shut down the entire Stargate program.  And yet he also protects a rogue team (with the NID) in possession of a second Earth Stargate, who venture through their Stargate to steal alien weapons and other technology.  Kinsey is a despicable and exasperating character who crops up now and then, but is always thwarted by Jack O'Neill and company. (../wiki/Robert_Kinsey -click here for more)

Colonel Simmons
John de Lancie as Colonel Frank Simmons
Colonel Simmons was a member of the NID. He had his own agenda in interfering with the Stargate Program.  Even more exasperating than Senator Kinsey, Simmons gets his just desserts in the end and dies in space.  ( /wiki/Frank_Simmons for more click here)

As you can see, the Goa'uld villains are far more entertaining, and long-lived than the human villains.... although the human villains are more exasperating by a large degree.... 

That is just a brief look at a few of the villains of Stargate SG-1.....

haven't seen Stargate SG-1?  you don't know what you're missing.....

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