Sunday, July 23, 2017

How did you even create a FB page to begin with.....

It is true: some people really make me scratch my head in wonder.  Just when I was feeling kind of dumb myself, someone came along and showed me how wrong I can be.... I mean no offense, but I wonder how some folks even.... ...well insert a thing,.... I mean some people get lost if you spin them around to face the opposite direction..... 

Yesterday I had the following comment on one of my Facebook posts:
Yes,.... "Please stop sending me so much stuff...."  
Think about that.
The original post was a photo I shared on my wall.  It was not addressed to anyone, but (as most people on Facebook are aware) anyone who "follows" me on Facebook can see that photo.  Either they can go to my wall and see it, OR some of my friends "follow" me, meaning that they see many, if not all, of my posts in their newsfeed. That's what it's all about.... if you do not "follow" your FB friends, then you don't see the majority of their posts.  Understand?

Now, I will admit that, of late, I have been over-sharing things to my FB wall. There are reasons for that, which my friends know, and I won't go into that here.  But I digress....

Back to the topic at hand, clearly this person who thinks that I am "sending" her my wall shares clearly does not have much of a clue.  I say "unfollow" me and get a question mark.  Seriously? then WHY are you on Facebook. Do you know how to use a "help" screen, or how to "google" something?

you need to be logged in to Facebook to connect to this link for the above graphic

Now, for your edification: Unfollowing someone does not mean that you are no longer Friends on FB.  (I seriously cannot believe that I have to explain this...)  Unfollowing means that you stop seeing the majority of what they post or your own newsfeed.

After trying to explain it briefly as shown in the first graphic I also posted the following:

Did the message get through? I have NO idea.... but people older than myself have fewer troubles navigating Facebook,...or maybe they ask others for help.  
I would be happy to work with anyone in my area (of the country) who needs help figuring out things like Unfollow, Unfriend, blocking, restricting privacy..... on Facebook.  
NOT that I am an expert by any means...see the beginning of this blog, where I mention feeling a little dumb....  But I know how to use "help" and how to "google" for information.

if you don't understand: GET HELP!

I could not do more, at the time of the postings, because I was on a cell phone, and even if I had the Internet and a laptop, I am not sure I could have made this person understand what I was talking about.......

another way to "unfollow"  -- one more time:  

I am sorry if this comes off as mean, but I am so tired of everything and it would certainly help if I had someone to talk to -face to face- on a regular (read weekly) basis.

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