Friday, July 7, 2017

Are you offended? ----- #IcannotknoweveryonesbusinessnordoIwantto

I posted something I found humorous.... heck, my momma would have laughed out loud.... anyway, I finally got around to offending someone....a person who apparently had not been offended previously, by my facebook posts... seriously? because I know as well as anyone, that there has been something there to offend almost everyone.  

Realistically, my friends,.. we are all offended by something.  I do not think that I would be lying if I stated that every person I know, who posts regularly on social media, has offended me at some point.... Ok, ok, not EVERY person,... I am not naming names. But almost every person I follow has offended me at some point.  Do I unfriend? I have indeed unfriended a person, but I would "unfollow" sooner than I might unfriend. 

It is a fact that many of my friends may have offended me at some point.  But it is also a fact that I can scroll on by, ignoring the offensive post, and continuing to live my life without starting an argument,...without making someone question their postings.  I know darn well that some of them would not care if I did complain, a few would be concerned, probably they would not remove the offending item..... at this point I will say that I did not delete the post.  I won't share it here, tough nouggies.... I was not the only person who shared the item, and the majority of people on the other two walls either liked the item, or shared more merriment. 

It was funny.  It was meant to be humorous, and it was not meant to be hurtful.  Bad timing on my part? perhaps, except that there were events of which I was unaware.  

Go ahead and be offended, but try to remember that we are all different.... Know that I try to not be malicious.... and always remember, and don't ever forget:  IF I HAVE NOT OFFENDED YOU YET, PLEASE BE PATIENT,.... I WILL GET TO YOU EVENTUALLY..... 

lighten up

#mostlyharmless #meantnoharm 
#whatwasit-wouldntyouliketoknow #pardonme #Excusez-moi

I will not apologize for what makes me laugh out loud.

#Beckerfan #KenTitusfan

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