Wednesday, July 12, 2017

strange dreams....2

I am only an observer here.  The setting is a farm, and I sense that it is a time long past.  There is an Indian, he has long, shiny, black hair, and a pleasant countenance.  For some reason I think Al Pacino,.... (dreams rarely make any sense). And Joe Mantegna is in the dream as well.  It is rural, almost primitive. There is are old buildings, and they appear as aged and weathered.  There is a corn field, stalks fully grown, tall in the sunlight.  There is another person, I cannot see him, but it appears that I am viewing this from his perspective.  This person is trying to help the Indian to hide from Joe. The Indian hides off the wood, across the corn field; he is hidden in the corn field as he approaches the buildings.  He emerges from the corn stalks and meets with the two men near the buildings.  They converse for a while, then the Indian crosses to a different building, and goes through a gate, disappearing from view.  Then I see him enter the field of tall corn stalks, as if he is trying again to be stealthy. I see this as if I were directly behind the Indian, but I do not follow the Indian. Joe gives chase, I don't know why; but he is very near to the Indian who at first moves quietly, then begins to try to run.  Something trips the Indian, and he falls in a total faceplant on the soil, feet in the air. The Indian struggles to regain an upright attitude, and I can clearly see that it is Al Pacino. (Is this weird or what..)  Joe is gone, vanished from the dream.  The Indian rises to his feet and stalks off through the corn field toward the wood.

I wake up with the song Try To Remember in my head.  I feel that there is something different -- kind of like "a disturbance in the Force",... I just sense some change or release for me personally.  
I wonder what to make of this.  
I am not asking for analysis.
I wait, with mounting curiosity, to see if a change of some kind will be apparent to me today.
I feel a sense of release.

I have always had weird, vivid, colorful dreams, all my life.  And some nights it's like I went to the movies, strange, nonsensical, bizarre movies.  Often I fail to retain a memory of a dream for long enough to write it down.  I do remember a handful of sleeping dreams that I have had in my life.

Some of this dream I describe above came from Stargate SG-1 :3.10 Forever In A Day,.... I believe that the buildings I could not see all of, and the gate that I watched the Indian pass through came from this episode, which I viewed 2 nights past.  I have read a couple of articles and the Facebook posts of Joe Mantegna this week.  How Al Pacino got in there is anybody's guess, but I do see a lot of adverts for t-shirts featuring Michael Corleone (Pacino's character in The Godfather films).

I love that I wake up with music in my head.  This is a relatively new phenomenon for me.... this started about 2 years ago.  I wish I knew why it didn't begin earlier in my life, or if it did -why I never noticed.  I only know that being rudely awakened by an alarm takes the music away.

(Things are trying to change in my life right now, but it all mired in a mucked up mess of snafus.)

That's my story, and I am sticking to it.

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