Friday, July 28, 2017

$50 words.... capiche?

hors d oeuvres? ....répondez s'il vous plaît ..........ostensibly ostentatious.... obsequious

OOHHH! You're gonna need a dictionary! or google.....  and very possibly a large bottle of aspirin.... 😉  vocabulary, superficiality, antiestablishmentarianism..... supercalifragilisticexpialidocious.....
etcetera, etcetera....blah, blah, blah.....

Euphemisms -click to see a video of George Carlin talking about euphemisms.... because some people feel a bizarre, obsessive urge to be "politically correct"

what's it all about? well, there really is no point here.... It is just that I have always been fascinated by words. I find vocabulary interesting.  I actually enjoyed spelling "class" in grade school, but not spelling tests...does that make sense? the study of words.  It goes to my love of books (see my blog of March 13, 2017: Books are In My Soul for the background to this obsession.)

Like Henry Higgins the Pygmalion of My Fair Lady....a wordsmith, word master, linguist, .... have you ever considered that the same man who portrayed Henry Higgins in My Fair Lady also portrayed Doctor Doolittle (no relation to the aforementioned "Fair Lady" 😉)  --Rex Harrison, portrayed two linguists... think about that....

Ok, back on topic...
this vocabulary thing is ubiquitous for me,.. I rather enjoy some pithy prose, and scintillating conversation is sometimes spewed by the more obstreperous amongst you. But I a vehemently in strong favor of studying the turn of a phrase in modern American English.  

enough of this superciliousness.... farewell ... that is all.

I should have been a linguist. I mean I really love linguini, marinara, puttanesca (no I hate anchovies), alfredo, al fresco, Al Pacino is a decent actor. But I really prefer others in my current viewing. Wow, pasta, pizza, Italian -eye-talian cuisine, pizza with pepperoni and a doughy crust would be wonderful, yes please, but do make it gluten free. Gluten free is a must because I have celiac disease, and consuming will kill the cilia in my digestive tract, which eventually leads to death, but first explosive diarrhea anyone? I wish I could remember what I was talking about. Where did this begin...or we could begin the beguine, yes, let's dance ..wait. no that's wrong... -don't click on that link, the music is all wrong for a beguine...well, actually it's not far off if you like this version: beguine this,.. I mean click here to begin. But what I mean is end because I am finished with this particular narrative.

1 comment:

  1. more prestidigitation may be a part of the plenipotentiary subterfuge of the angst that this cacophonous boondoggle is become.
    there is a level of bourgeois camaraderie that creates this as the ennui of the dilettante dichotomy for the capricious, yet infinitesimal harbinger of malaise. Thus my mantra is please.
