Friday, August 3, 2018

You really do learn something new every day

It's true! I know I learn something new every day.  The tough part is when you have learn a lot of new things in one day....  They sprang something new on us at work... again.  Perhaps "Windows" will become a thing of the past?  I have NO idea.  But we are now expected to use Google's G Suite.... that is a replacement for the Microsoft programs.... rather a lateral move, but still a learning curve.  Of course it will be more difficult for some.  I work in Powerpoint every day, almost all day long,... so I will learn and adapt, and figure it out..... Don't know how? Google it!  or ask me...about Powerpoint, NOT about anything else,...right now.  I was hired for Excel work, and have become equally adept at Powerpoint.... by the end of next week this Google thing called "Slides" will be old hat to me... in so far as what I do is create, or re-create procedurals,.. processes to maintaining equipment.... I put pictures together with instructions, in a particular format..... That is my present job anyway.

Another thing, in this computer era, is passwords... at my job we are required to change our password for the network something like every 9 weeks.... and I am blown away by the fact that I instantly remember my new password, even though I make up the most obscure combination of trivial-ness....
Then again, I do "lock" my computer every time I leave the room,...that does help one to remember the password.

Think about it... if you read anything,... if you listen to the radio, watch television,... talk to other people.... you do learn something every day. 

Ponder that..... did you learn anything new here?

ponder it......

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