Friday, August 17, 2018

childhood car rides, bumming

I cannot even begin to describe how this photo speaks to me.

Of childhood,
riding in the back seat of the big Oldsmobile.

Daddy looks at me in the rear view mirror,
he catches my eye.
Daddy says, "sing for me."

I am so small, so young.
I begin with the ABCs, a sing-songy little voice...
I sing some nursery rhymes.

I sing songs "of olde",... 
Down By the Old Mill Stream, but I only knew one verse,
Row, Row, Row Your Boat,
America The Beautiful,
probably The National Anthem,...

I sing every song I can think of,.... 
then I start the ABCs again...
Unless we have reached our destination.

I know by the scenery where we might be going.
If Daddy did not announce a destination ...
if he did not say- then we are "bumming".

If we are "bumming" he does have a destination in mind,
but he could change his mind,
or just drive for a while and then decide.

If it is early on a weekend day I know where,
Daddy favorite sister's house,
maybe his favorite brother-in-law....

What do I see out the car windows?
Corn fields? Railroad tracks? a castle?

Summertime we go "bumming" after early supper....
Daylight will be for hours still.
Many times I witness beautiful sunsets on the way home.
Sometimes I count the stars and look at the moon.

Oh, how I long to "go bummin'.." 
with daddy and mommy.
and go home to a place that no longer exists.
and have no worries, and not a care.



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