Sunday, August 19, 2018

The names are made up.... cafe time....

This is a place I come to, to write, and for the free wifi. 

I have been coming here for longer than 18 months.  The first few months were during a dark period of unemploy, when I grew tired of the silence in the library. (Any Whovians among you will understand the reference. *wink.)  This is a café.  Usually, but not always, they play some inane jazz-style music, mainly to drown conversations and make eavesdropping difficult.  But today is Sunday, and baristas either do not like the music, or they forget to turn it on.  It is still. Quiet, but for patrons who enter, of which there are few early on a Sunday.  Herein I will describe some of the patrons I have observed in this establishment.

For me it is not about the coffee. I am not a huge fan of coffee.

Sunday mornings there is the lonely, rich entrepreneur.  He buzzes into the parking lot in one of those very expensive Mercedes Benz, two seater convertibles.  Some Sundays he sits out there by himself waiting for his “little” friend –the bearded raconteur, who begins by naming the three hyper-intellectual books that he has read in the past week.  That particular fellow I have not seen in over a month, but there are other sycophants.  One or another will appear shortly, occasionally two will join.  They discuss books, politics, and local news.  I have only ever heard a few of the book titles, and most of the local news.  They are indiscreet, but I try not to listen.

Weekdays there are the “olds”,… a group of anywhere two and as many as eleven, senior citizens who meet early weekday mornings to chat.  There is the Archie Bunker of the group, a loud-mouthed complainer and general rascal.  Often seated next to “Archie”  the George Jefferson of the group, equally grouchy, but able to hold his tongue most of the time.  “Archie” and “George” mutually dislike each other, but “George” graciously holds his tongue, just taking it all in with wry amusement.  There are 5 “usuals” who range from “Archie” who is working part-time to get by on the social security pittance, to “Humphrey” who is rich and a former bank president-from what I have overheard.  At least one woman, “Betty Jane”, rounds out the group, and sometimes “Humphrey’s” young looking wife joins the group.  They chat for an hour, then most leave, but occasionally “Betty Jane” and “George” stay and talk, and laugh about “Archie” and his crazy stories.

There are the mah jong  ladies, they show up every Friday morning and play for hours.  Lots of boisterous laughter, and noisy shuffling of mah jong tiles at the end of each match.    On Wednesdays or Thursdays there are the Scrabble ladies.

Another Friday group is the mysterious old ladies…. Spies perhaps (*wink),… they often exchange documents and discreetly put them into their carryall bags.  You have to really watch them to catch them at it.  There is something secretive about the exchange and quick insertion to the bags.  After they play cards.  Skipbo this week, but other complicated card games other weeks.  Perhaps there is a code in all that card playing –I hadn’t thought of that before (*wink).  I have observed them playing canasta at one point, and with one I do not often see they played Bridge.  The number of mysterious old ladies varies from week to week, with as many as six in the group, though not all participate in the card games.  There is a large woman who has trouble getting around, a Brit- the accent gives it away don’t you know,  and there are two other regulars, but I cannot describe them.  The Brit thinks I told her about my mother as if mom were still alive…when I informed her that mom died 12 years ago the Brit stopped speaking to me, and now casts angry glances my way.  ‘Look lady, I can’t help it if you twisted that conversation around in the week that went by between our speaking!’

There are regular “booth sitters” as well –like myself.  I get in early on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday –when they open, and I occupy the third booth, away from the windows.  
There is “Harry”, who shaves his head and comes in here to use the free wifi to participate in some kind of multi-player war or strategy game online –he stays for hours and hours (like me).  And “Reg”, who also shaves his head, and comes in to watch some videos or listen to music…”Reg” does not stay more than an hour or two. 

The chess players come in every Friday between 9:00 and 1:00. 
The businessman comes in daily, after 3, and does some computer work to round out his day.  Record keeping over coffee and a slice of pie.  
The “fat” boys, father and son actually,…they used to come in every afternoon,..I have not seen them in months, …if I recall correctly they did not come in on Fridays, and I never saw them on the weekend.
This barely scratches the surface, as the list of “regulars” is a long one. 

So.  Yesterday afternoon, the gal managing this café decided to rearrange some of the furniture…. It makes me wish I could be here every day to get the reactions of the regulars…. They will NOT be happy.  The big round table is over by the front door –“the olds” will HATE that! And the chess players as well.  It is noisier over there, right next to the front door….people come and go, and there is the noise of the baristas as well.  It is quiet over here in the booths, away from the bustle of the business.  ....They also moved the “library” chairs out of the little alcove and placed a 2 person table there instead.  But now the “library” chairs are out in the middle of the place, by the gas fireplace. That will prove unpopular also. .....I wonder what the regular ‘day-lady’ baristas will do,… there will be complaints - to this rearrangement.

And, in a little corner of the world, life goes on….

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