Saturday, August 11, 2018

It is early to feel this way....(take me home)

I am catching hints.
My autumnal melancholia is bleeding through....

Like walkin' on a country road....

It is hard to describe... a feeling of loss.. a certain the morning.
And in the afternoons and evenings.... 

This time it is the last time I have seen someone.  He'll not pass through here ever again.

I want to be on a country road,... I want to go home to a place that's been long gone.
I want to go where you cannot go again.
I want to go home.

I have known this feeling since I was a small child.
A deep, mournful melancholia...
Daydreams of a lifetime of sad feelings..

What is happiness......

age, ... up and down and around and round....


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