Sunday, September 24, 2017


“it's really about the little moments when we laugh at the same thing ....that is the connectivity of it all.”
I wrote that on Twitter this morning.  A morning when I have been introduced to the music of an artist/musician who followed me on Twitter.  Beautiful, classical, viola, violin, instrumental strains with piano and full orchestra background.

What is social media. We reach out, we seek a connection, however ephemeral, with other humans.  We want to make someone else smile. We want to share a laugh, a high, a low, a cry.  Some of us feel something, deep inside. The connection.

It seems a human condition. This need to share emotions on a basic level, and yet a private level.  Each in our own little world, reaching out, touching in the ether.  Subtlety. Sharing. Caring. Laughing. Longing for the connection.

It does not stop.

Others grasp at words and phrases.  They try to say something profound, it becomes profane, as the spout profanity and filthy imagery.  Not amusing. Not profound. Amoral, immoral, downright disgusting. 
Ignore them…ignore them….. scroll forever on and on …seeking connection.

Or belly-laughs.

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