Thursday, September 21, 2017

a little story about karma.

This is a little story about karma.

In the past I had to deal with a person who was very difficult to get along with.  Every time it would appear that everything was copacetic this person would suddenly become extremely difficult to deal with.  Like he could not stand to get along, was incapable of being cooperative with another human being.  Kind of like Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde – it was impossible to know when he would turn on you (Ornery, resentful, petulant, just plain pissy…..), and our supervisor and other coworkers also experienced this behavior.  There was no way to get out of dealing with this person, we were forced to work together at times. 

So, one day I was working with a team, and Mr. Difficult was to meet us.  He would take over at the end of the job, and drive away in the tractor-trailer.  No problem.  He showed up at the appointed time, so that everything would be ready for him to drive away at the end of the job in a timely manner.  First, he parked the company car, got out, and left the car door open –as was one of his many bad habits.  Ignoring the open car door, I entered the rear door on the trailer to take care of a couple of tasks that would need to be finished before the end of the job.  As I entered the trailer I noticed that Mr. Difficult had left the passenger side tractor door open and his suitcase sat there, on the ground next to the open door.  I paused, as I thought that was kind of odd, as he was nowhere to be seen.  Knowing better than to interfere, or touch his suitcase, I continued into the trailer and set to work.  After a few minutes I heard the tractor start up, followed by a rather loud crunch.  As I had finished my tasks, I looked out the trailer door and saw that he had backed the tractor over his suitcase, crushing it.  My first reaction was horror.  I knew that he kept his ebook reader, a gift from his son, in the suitcase.  How terrible!  I just felt awful about it, but there was nothing I could have done that would not have caused other problems (or simply been told that it was none of my business -which probably would not have prevented what happened).

I fled into the building.  No good could have come from he and I seeing each other in his moment of self anger.  I said nothing to him about the suitcase.  

Later Mr. Difficult did say to me that he was not having a very good day…..


You must understand that I could have tried to talk to the man, but he would not listen to a word I spoke.  The only things I ever said that he listened to -actually heard -- were relating to meals and restaurants.  I will say no more about him at this time.  

I have more stories about karma relating to the individual described above, but those are for another day.... or best forgotten....

pray that you have not given it a reason to visit you................


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