Saturday, September 9, 2017

Interesting information about this blog

I want to begin by stating that I write this blog because I am creative, therefore I, personally, am compelled to write.  I would follow that by stating that for too many years that part of my creativity came out in long speeches, spoken while driving vehicles, and thus all of it is lost.  I HAD to start recording it again,...the collector (read pack rat) in me forced me to start the blog, so that my creativity would no longer spill out and be lost.  (defrosting the brain cells.... a work in progress)

So, I write this blog, and I check the statistics nearly every day, to see how many readers, and where is my audience on this enormous planet, because they (my readers) make it a small world
if you clicked the link -there's your earworm for the week!

Over the course of time I have found it interesting and intriguing that my audience of readers in Russia has grown.  And I have a fair number of readers in Poland.  Although I am not aware of any Poles or Russians in my ancestry, I will say that Momma would be proud.  She would love that I reach people in far away lands. I like that. 
Myself, I do not think of any of you as being in "far away" places.  I have friends all over the world.  That's what keeps life interesting!

I would love to know the ages of my readers! Perhaps a few of would comment with your age and precise location?  That would be cool.  I realize that I actually do know a few of you,...whether from Facebook or Twitter, or the Farscape fandom.... Stargate SG-1 anyone? 

That brings me to my next graphic..... the average age breakdown of bloggers:

Not surprisingly, the most active bloggers are younger people who have grown up during the blogging “revolution”, which started about seven years ago. Bloggers in the 21-to-35 year-old demographic group account for 53.3% of the total blogging population. This group is followed by the generation just behind them – people 20-years-old or under are 20.2% of the blogging landscape. This group is closely followed by 36-to-50 year-olds (19.4%), while bloggers who are 51-years-old and older only account for 7.1%.

Now, here I MUST make a comment: MY COMPATRIOTS!!! WHERE THE FRELL ARE YOU? 
I am going to admit to something now,... something that only a handful know.... something that strangers (in particular) NEVER guess..... I am in that 7.1% (now you are forced to read the caption of the graphic!)......

Older people have a lot to say.  Older people have a TON of stories!  Life is a journey, blogging is easy,... SHARE YOUR STORY you old farts!  Read more of my blog posts and see,... sometimes you see something that makes you want to say something... DO IT!! Blog your thoughts, blog your stories,.... don't know how? well ask me! I know how.  It's easy! Let us raise that statistic --I would LOVE to see the 7.1% become the 20%...... what do say?

enough of that ...

I am interested in those Russians....Poles....any of you.....  

What do you see here? Welcome to my blog, I am happy that you find it interesting.  Is it the way I turn a phrase? or just the content?  Do I make you laugh?
What's it all about?




fire away, that's what the comments section is for!  

I would love to hear from you.

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