Friday, October 13, 2017


"triskaidekaphobia" is the fear of the number 13.

"paraskevidekatriaphobia" is the fear of Friday the 13th.

LINK to wikipedia for Friday_the_13th

It's ridiculous.... that said: I have a personal policy.  I NEVER stay home on Friday the 13th.   Not since some time in the early 1980's anyway.  Before that if it was a Friday I was probably in school anyway..... 

I really don't remember the exact year, or month.... but once upon a time, in the early 1980's (yeah, I'm that old, what's it to ya!)   I stayed home on a Friday the 13th.  I may even have asked for the day off from work on purpose,... I really don't remember.  

What I do remember about it, is that things went wrong....  a sink backed up, things were broken.,..... needed items were not taken with when we left the house..... it was, all in all, a very long, very bad day. 

That is when I instituted my policy to always make sure to be at work on Friday the 13th.  And in all these years my Friday the 13ths have been fairly uneventful.  It's a fact.  This year I am a little nervous, because I am not currently employed,... nonetheless, I left the house before 6:00am (it was still dark!),... and I have no intention of going home earlier that 2 or 3 in the afternoon.

One year I sent a fun email, with funny facts about Friday the 13th.... I sent it probably on Wednseday the 11th.... anyway, my much older half-brother decided that he needed to try to rain on my parade.  He replied to my funny Friday the 13th email by crabbing at me about being superstitious....
I let him have it! I was blunt, I told him (in an emailed reply) to not be such a "hard-ass" and see the humor in things.

Anyway, I guess some folks think my policy of always working on Friday the 13th is superstitious all the same.  and you know what? I don't care!!!!   I just know what works for me. 

I laugh at black cats, and have no issues with ladders, or broken mirrors..... just, please, leave your open umbrella outside, and for heaven's sake don't spill any salt!! 

1 comment:

  1. oh boy... I regret making light of it.... I fell down on Friday the 13th (yes -yesterday),.... and today it's like a hangover without the nausea..... someone bring me a morphine drip and walk the dog for me.... (seriously, I am just really achy) and there were other ....issues.... on my Friday the 13th.... things I am sure CERTAIN would NOT have happened were I at a real job all day. that is all.
