Friday, October 20, 2017

eavesdropping in the cafe....

first up, a story about four men, sharing a house... none of them wanted to wash the dishes, so they went to garage sales. they purchased sets of dishes on the cheap, and used them as disposable plates........ rather than have to wash the dishes.

second, some young-ish chick, who tried to cash a check at the bank today.  It seems that the teller refused to cash the check because this young lady does not have an equal amount of money in her account.  Common practice, right? except that this young-ish chick "never heard of this" and "it never happened before".  what planet is she living on.....

the rest of us are alone at our tables.... mostly engrossed in various internet pursuits... and a couple of young women are working on homework together.

not crowded on this Friday evening,.. the end of perhaps that last truly warm day we will have in "Illi-consin"....

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