Saturday, October 28, 2017

Just like momma said it would be....

Exactly.  Of course momma was always right. Nauseatingly so. And now this is a truth that is painful and difficult. 

It is exactly what she told me it would be.  "You are a single woman, and no one will include you. They won't even think of you at all."  She was a prophet, my mother. gently weeps...

I am alone.  I am a singular, solitary soul.  Partially because I do not do well in groups of more than 3 of us.  Avoidance of larger groups may be the problem.  You see, I was an only child,....and, well,...the youngest at the same time.  In other words I came along later in my mother's life, and the other children of the household were grown up and married and having children of their own.  Thus was I the youngest AND also a ONLY CHILD simultaneously.  

I played board games by myself sometimes.  It is a mournful fact that I have experienced a great deal of sadness all of my life, because I have been (and apparently always will be) alone and lonely.

I do not think that anyone who knows me realizes that I am ALL ALONE. The truly sad thing is that no one thinks of me at all, apparently.  No one wonders what I am doing on the weekends, whether I am doing things with other people.  The fact is that, where I live, I do not know anyone.  Yes there are a couple of people who communicate with me, here in the area.  But NO ONE invites me to do things with them.  The ONLY time I spend with "friends" is when I am able to initiate the get together.  It is very hard for me, because I want to spend time with people on a regular basis, like monthly with SOMEONE. 

Yes, I have "family" and they very graciously include me for the three main holidays of the year (Easter, Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve).... and the occasional birthday.  So I spend time with them (the people that have come to mean the most to me) perhaps 6 times a year. 

I do not think that anyone can imagine what that is like..... I am actually invited 6 times a year.  The rest of the time I AM ALONE.


Sadly the friends that would willingly spend time with me, and would actually call me to invite me --those folks all live more than 300 miles away..... that is not an easy 300 miles.... were I to make the trip, it would be driving for 6 to 7 hours all alone,... the return trip home (on the very rare occasions I have had the energy and the gumption to make the trip) .....the return trip home is mournful.  When was the last time you cried for 6 hours, as you drove down the highway ALONE?

I am writing this because NO ONE seems to get it.  When I ask for someone to do something special with me ONCE IN 3 OR 5 YEARS and NO ONE will do it.  No one anywhere near me actually wants to spend time with me. How do you think that makes me feel? like I am a horrible, nasty, distasteful person to spend time with.... No one knows how hard it is to live like this.  To know that the ONE TIME I ask for someone, ANYONE, to do something with me, NO ONE will join me, no matter how much it would mean to me......

I have offered to be the "extra adult" when people take children on outings.... to the zoo, to museums, to fall activities....  I would so love that,..what joy it is to see children delight in such activities.... but that is denied me.  (How can I not believe that I am somehow so distasteful to others that they NEVER think to invite me along.... I CAN pay my own way -I am NOT asking for free admission, I AM ONLY ASKING TO BE INVITED ALONG!!  That doesn't even mean that I would accept every invitation.... 


(my sincere apologies to the family who do invite me to the annual holidays and birthdays. I don't know what I would do without you wonderful folks. you know who you are, and I love you.)

1 comment:

  1. it is totally predictable that the people I need to see this won't ever find it....
