Sunday, October 15, 2017

change arrived on the wind

too late

Change arrived on the wind this morning...
a cold rush of fall air coming in hard from a westerly direction.

I will be visiting a new place in the mornings in coming days....
on this particularly blustery morning I sit once again in a familiar place.
It is a place where I have spent a great deal of this year.
It is warm. It is comfortable. It has become ...familiar.

Change, in fact, has been ongoing for the last fortnight...
I have a familiar now,... the form of a rather large dog.
She is a complication, but perhaps a necessary one.

And I have, in the last quarter year, had to release myself from a longed-for thing.
A place .... I wish I had found, ever in my life.

But life has led me here.

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