Saturday, June 16, 2018

in the heat of summer......

summers of my childhood, punctuated by the intonation of my best friend's ancient grandfather..... "well........welll......welll......." and that was all he ever said....

standing under what us kids called “the cigar tree” out near the road….. in the summer heat.

everything in the yards is green and alive… birds sing and flutter about… it’s quiet, the only sound the wind soughing through the leaves of the many trees… a lot of oaks and maples….

The far off sound of the lake, waves lapping at the seawalls, around the piers, boats slap slapping as the waves fall away.  A boat tap, tapping, as it rocks gently against the dock.

Later we’ll go slide down the hill and sneak into the boathouse...there’s coke in the fridge, and we can share a bottle, if we can get the bottle cap off.  Then we’ll climb the steps and go out back and swing on the swings until dinner time.  Or, if it’s hot enough, we’ll get mom to fill the kiddie pool so we can splash in the water. 

And we can eat popsicles from the little store at the end of the road.

The catfish are biting,..guess what's for dinner..............


this would amount to a memory my dad would appreciate....

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