Sunday, February 25, 2018

social media? take a break from it --I dare you!

Recently I quit Facebook quite abruptly, and most definitely temporarily.
I will admit to popping in, very briefly, and "liking" or commenting on one or two posts of certain (very) select friends.
I have sent private messages to 3 or 4 people as well.... mainly because I refuse to cut myself off from everyone.

There truly was no one, single thing that made me shut it down..... it was a combination of comments, and of shared posts,.... and a little bit of hatefulness that certain people/groups shared.  (so if you think you can personally take "credit" for banishing me -- frell you- you're wrong)

Along with those reasons I will make an admission here.... certain food related posts really piss me off.  Pardon my "French" but in all honesty.... I wish that people would not "share so I can find it later".... and then share all manner of disgusting or unhealthy recipes that include photos of the crap that some people are willing to shovel into their pie hole. 

Did that come off as a little hateful? Well here is another newsflash: I am sick and tired of stifling who I am simply to keep in the good graces of a bunch of snowflakes (read pussies).... yes- I am getting a little graphic, and I do realize that I will put some of you off..... 

I fall into on of my own categories of people.... the overall term I use is "generational".... if I say that I am releasing my "inner Archie Bunker" would that make things clearer?  No, I am not a bigot, and NO I am NOT prejudiced,...unless you fit into your own little stereotype.... I mean, if you fit into a stereotype, then my inner Archie Bunker cannot stifle itself INSIDE MY HEAD.  I do not make a habit of insulting people intentionally. 

Now, getting back to the disgusting and unhealthy,.... first of all I have celiac disease, and seeing a shitton of gluten laden "easy to make" meals featuring, for example, crescent rolls MAKES. ME. SICK. it truly does,... and then there are pictures of desserts... let's not even go down that path.  

Add to that the foods that I am allergic to.... strawberries (gag) and a friend posted a recipe and photo of the most disgusting looking pink cake,... even a friend who like strawberries and can eat cake (read gluten) said she was disgusted by it.... but it was shared by a guy,... I mean really, a guy,... so I forgave him.

Other food allergies include: shellfish, citrus fruit (lemon, lime, orange, grapefruit).... I do not and will not eat: asparagus, fish of any kind,.... I could go on.... And I really, truly do not want to see sugar-laden desserts any longer.... I have given up sugar, and now abstain from soda pop, and desserts --for the most part,.... and honestly, that Hershey bar tastes kind of gross after cutting 95% of all sugar from my diet for over 8 weeks.

I just wish that more people would think about what they share on Facebook.... Why don't I "unfollow" but remain "friends" with the offenders?  Well, I was hesitating to do that, but that will be my future on Facebook.... but it does narrow the field. rather. much.  

Another admission....  I will, unashamedly, admit that I am now addicted to Twitter.  There is a much greater level of anonymity there, and sometimes a lot more smut.  But far fewer pictures of food, thank the twitterverse for that.

I have already blocked a certain segment of "friends" (read blood relatives) from Facebook, even though I am not actively posting or even logging in to Facebook at present.  Honestly, if I want to communicate with certain friends I do log in to FB so that I can access Messenger with my laptop --it is so much easier to write articulate  responses when I have a full keyboard to type on.

As I write this I am making a list in my head of who to "unfollow".... that means the majority of their posts will not appear in my newsfeed, but I will still be friends with the people.  I have at least one friend who objects to "unfollow", stating that you are either friends or you are not, but I need to get away from that Facebook obsession with looking into the lives of ....well, frankly, people most of whom I have never had a face to face conversation with in the real world.  So, if you think I have unfollowed you, please do not be offended, I just cannot continue to look at pictures of unhealthy and disgusting foods.... that the main thrust of this as you have realized if you have read this far.... food.

In closing, I think that it sad that so many people worship food to the extent that they are polluting their bodies with all manner of manufactured crap.  No, I am not a vegetarian of any kind..... I cannot have anything containing gluten in my life if I want to live pain free,... if I want to live (period).  And I have chosen to remove most sugar from my diet, because I don't need all that sugar, and I feel so much better.

an aside: A lawyer once told me that, because I am the only child of my biological parents, and I have no husband or descendants, I am not related to anyone.  Now that certain of my 'relatives' have died, I am looking at embracing that.... 'not related to any one'.  My best "family" is a motley crew (no offense if you know you are one of US)..... that is of my own choosing.... and a select little group that does at least include me in the major holidays (Easter, Thanksgiving, Christmas) and a few know who you are, and I LOVE you guys.

Thank you. That is all.

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