Sunday, February 18, 2018

A remembrance, a reminicense.....a wish....

It is at once foreign and somehow familiar... a place I believe I have been.....

.....a happier time.....A time at which I had realized I was actually happy........ 

I lived nearby it... could walk there; often did. 

The photo speaks to me very soul... a time of peace,... 

If only I had been aware......

I believe that it reminds me of Moraine Hills State Park (McHenry County Illinois) .....a happier time.....A time at which I had realized I was actually happy........ #ifIcouldturnbacktime

I lived on the east side of the park. If one were to walk to the west on my street, toward the main road... and then turn right and walk down to the next street.  There was an opening in the fence. 
A purposeful pathway, into the park. 

It was quiet there. 
and, I realize now, 
I was most at peace there. 

In a younger time.  

If only I had known.

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