Tuesday, December 12, 2017

memories back in time....

once there was a place.... 
there were ponies there,... and for a while horses.... 
it was a pleasant place to visit, any time of year.....
many days of youth were spent there....
it belongs to others now, and we no longer visit. unwelcome now.

there was a place. 
by a lake.
lazy summer days.
gone now....

I know where my family lived when I was small.  
That is all gone, many years now. 
Decades actually, 
but I can find it.
You have to know where to look.
There is a big stone monolith with the address on it there.
And the lilac bushes,... they told her she could not transplant those,
but there they are, and every summer they bloom. 
By the fence that is older than I.

These are memories the heart holds.
Happier days, better times..... 

Memories of the heart....
...faces of the heart......

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