Saturday, December 9, 2017

a secret wish.....

so nice,...a man brings his dad to the cafe every Sunday,... they stay for about an hour.... I suspect that they only stay until dad says that he is tired and wants to go. It is so nice of the son to do that with his dad.... 

(a secret wish....)

"Yes, she'll tell you she's an orphan
After you meet her family."

I am sure that each of us has someone.... we have all lost a loved one, or a parent, or someone close..... someone we would spend an hour a week with, were they still "with us".  

I know that I have many questions.... there are so many things, many stories, that I either never heard, or do not remember.  I guess that I would like an hour a week with both of my parents together, to ask them questions and to hear their stories.  I mean I knew my mother so very well, and I still have things I would like to know..... more things every day.....  and I only remember having a few actual conversations with my father.

I am certainly grateful for the times I was able to visit my aunts and uncles, and hear their stories.... and still so much left unheard.  I guess that is part of what compels me to write.

I know this: I always loved to hear my father talk when he was enjoying reminiscing with his favorite sister and her husband.  Those were some of the best times.  I visited his favorite sister after he was gone, because she was my favorite aunt. And there were stories there too, that I missed out on. Things I could have asked her,...but it was nice to just chat about whatever was on our minds....

It is nice to remember all of my mother's stories that I do remember,... she was with me so much longer, we had time to talk and for me to ask quesitons.... for her to impart details that matter.  Who she loved and where she went,..and how she came to be my father's wife.  ... funny that I remember asking her, "when you and dad get married?" ....and she said that she did not know....!!!!  But I have a photograph of them together, on his mother's sofa, and on the back of the photo is written "married" and the date of their wedding.... justice of the peace I guess.... and there is nothing wrong with that..... they are smiling in the photograph, not in any special outfits,... just happy.  I have a few other photos of them, smiling at each other, or simply have fun adventures.  
That is nice. It helps, on the days when I wish I could ask them........... 

.........a secret wish...........

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