Friday, December 22, 2017

it's the Holiday Season....special memories.

warm memories of Andy Williams Christmas specials,.... Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer,.... A Charlie Brown Christmas,.... family, turkey dinners,.... parties,.... Santa Claus.....

My Dad threw a big Christmas party every year.... I do not know when that began,.... But my Dad's entire family was invited -all 9 of his sisters and brothers, and their families,... children and grandchildren... quite a crowd, yes.  And many of my mother's siblings and/or their families too.... probably a friend or two as well.  Our house was not large,..but it had a very large kitchen/dining room combination,.. a large family space open to a formal sitting room.  The Christmas tree was set up in that formal sitting room area, off to one side (the right if you were facing it),... offset by the fireplace. 

Every year Santa Claus came in with a large sack of presents, and he sat in a comfy chair and each child, in turn, sat on Santa's lap and received a gift from Santa. Home movies, and photos were on-going. I remember the final Christmas gathering only slightly.  I remember in little snapshots, and very few moments of interaction.  There were a lot of people in our house, everyone it seemed, though I can only name off a few of them, as I was very young at that time. 

What I remember best is one of my father's sisters, and a brother-in-law,... sitting on the kitchen floor and attempting (each on their own) to put one foot behind their head.  Uproarious laughter --very loud.... attracting me and a niece of mine (Diane), only a year or two older than I,... holding hands, looking at the two, red-faced adults spinning round in slow circles, each clutching one foot in front of their face, and laughing too hard to accomplish anything.  I looked up at my niece, and I remember saying to her: "I can do that." She shrugged shoulders and replied, "me too."  We wandered off, wondering why it was so doggone funny to the adults. (They were all stinking drunk -that's why.)

The following year the party was cancelled because we had influenza (the flu) at our house.  The three of us were too sick to do any partying.  Too sick to make the arrangements, to haul in the groceries, have the liquor store deliver boxes of whatever was drunk at my father's parties.  Santa was cancelled..... except that.... he did show up!! in true Christmas, with all the fabulous magic of Santa Claus.

Santa Claus showed up at our kitchen door, right on cue, to make Christmas special for a 4 year old little girl.  I recognized him instantly..... it was the neighbor's son, Georgie L.,... in a Santa suit.  He winked at me, and I played right along.... I never let on while he was there that I knew it was Georgie..... I led him to the Christmas tree and pointed out "Santa's chair", sat on his knee for a bit, and then received several presents out of his large pack.  He "ho ho ho-ed" and "Merry Christmas-ed" and all that.... patted me on the head and said that he had to go, busy night, et cetera. And then he was gone.

My mother closed the door behind Santa, and I looked up at her and said, "Mommy, wasn't that nice of Georgie to come in Santa's place, so that Santa would not catch our cold?"  My mother looked down in astonishment, and after a beat, replied, "Yes. Wasn't that nice of Georgie."

Such a special, warm, wonderful memory, of the last time that I actually saw Santa in our home..... 

George Loeding, wherever you are, I have never forgotten your kind act. Because of you, the magic of the season, and of Santa Claus is close to my heart, and will always remain so.

.....and to all a good night!


my dad's favorite,.. Hark! The Herald Angels Sing!

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