Saturday, May 5, 2018

the unexpected benefit

A realization is happening... as I sit here and think about yesterday... when I sat in this same cafe and listened to a fellow patron sneeze, and blow his nose, repeatedly.  I started to think about that this morning while I dressed.  Allergies,... of course. Because the trees are budding and flowering, as  I can observe from where I sit, in this cafe...looking out through big plate glass windows, at several trees bearing white flowers.  Seeing those white flowers makes me want to hide, except for this dawning of realization....

I am not have allergy issues the same as I have in springs of years past.  I am not sneezing,... this brings an old memory to the forefront.... of an environmental allergist I saw, going on 25 years ago.  Dr. O.  ...Dr. O told me to stop eating sugar. I laughed at him. He was deadly serious. 

And now, now that I have quit sugar and a few months have passed... it is a time of year I used to dread, was dreading.  And I am having this hopeful realization... no sneezing, no watery eyes,... sinus headache, but not too bad.  And the headache could be tied to other factors of the lifestyle change....I quit sugar to try the ketosis diet.  The keto thing may not be working but I am finding new joy in no sugar.

that is all.
thank you for reading.

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