Sunday, May 20, 2018

God Bless David Cassidy

For a long time in the early morning a woman stood at the head of the railcar. She seemed to be surveying the people on this car. She stood, looking a bit stern. Our eyes met, she looked past me rather quickly. She is standing because we have all been sitting or trying to lay down –and sleep, for 10 hours. 

Yes, this is my first trip by rail long distance.  I have ridden many commuter trains, so I am not unfamiliar with the sensation.  This train is made for long distance travel… it is a much quieter ride than what Metra offers (Chicagoland).  Plenty of leg room too.  From where I sit, more than 10 cars from the engine, the train whistle is a low hum.  As I write this I am looking out over vineyards and farm fields at Lake Erie, which is not far, as this train is called “The Lake Shore Limited” –it runs close along the shore, sometimes within a thousand feet, or so, but never far from view. 

My 9 year old self never would have believed this…. I am on a long distance rail trip to attend a memorial celebration and the dedication of a memorial bench honoring David Cassidy.  I can remember tuning in, every week, to watch The Partridge Family.  And I have said that as long as I have David Cassidy’s Cherish album I have what I need.  I love those songs, and the mere sight of the titles puts the music and David’s voice in my head.

Here I am, on my way to a memorial weekend private gathering of fans in remembrance of and celebrating David Cassidy.  We gather in Saratoga Springs, New York, where David had a home and where was involved in horse racing at Saratoga Springs Race Track.  David loved horses and was involved in the horse racing world.  Here at the National Museum of (Horse) Racing, on Thursday, May 17, 2018 a pair of benches honoring David Cassidy were unveiled. One bench is through the efforts of people in horse racing who knew David,..the other bench is the result of a campaign begun by a woman who may have loved David longer than any other fan… a woman I will meet for the first time tomorrow…. Perhaps I will write an addendum to this blog, or another blog about this weekend. (stay tuned folks)

At least 40 of us, fans of David Cassidy, will gather together to celebrate this wonderful, beautiful man. There will be a Mass at The Church of Saint Peter on Saturday afternoon, and on Sunday the National Museum of Racing will open its doors for free for 2 hours, to allow David Cassidy’s fan to view the museum and to enter the courtyard where the memorial benches are on display.  And later there will be a (public) musical remembrance celebration of David Cassidy’s music at a local restaurant. 

I the years between (since The Partridge Family ended) I have frequently gone back for another listen, to my Partridge Family albums and David’s Cherish album.  In the last few months, since David Cassidy died, I have woken many mornings singing one of the many songs I know so well. 
It's One Of Those Nights ..  I Woke Up In Love This Morning

I lost track of David for a while, but any time there was anything about him I would stop to read and to look at the pictures of his sweet smiling face.

I happened to go to Las Vegas in October 2000, and when I looked for a show on my one free night, there was David Cassidy! In his own show, at the Rio Hotel and Casino.  And it was wonderful! David Cassidy loved to sing, and he loved to see faces light up with smiles when he sang.  He was a true entertainer. I can’t help remembering his dad, Jack Cassidy, the times I saw him on any program –his profession was entertainer.  

I thoroughly enjoyed David’s Las Vegas show, which was called “At The Copa” (that’s right: as in CopaCabana, that was more or less the story David told), David was acting when he came on the stage in the guise of an old man.  His voice was not, at first, recognizable, but I knew it had to be him. The story he told that evening, and many more evenings over the course of a year, was of a man who had loved a woman.  And he had followed her throughout her career as a singer. And he still loved her, but tragically she had fallen for another.  All of this was interspersed with songs of the 1900s, a variety of songs…. And, in the end, because he knew what his fans loved, David’s own music. Songs he sang for The Partridge Family as well as several from his own albums.  David Cassidy came down, into the audience and sang for us, and to us. And it was a wonderful evening.

When news broke that David Cassidy was hospitalized, and that his family was with him, it made me so sad.  He’s going. We held watch on the news services, waiting for word. Praying that somehow David would recover.  I brought my Partridge Family and David Cassidy cds to work to play on the computer. And, like thousands of his fans all over the world, I cried when it was announced that he had passed away. Far. too. young.

Thank you, David, for sharing your beautiful voice with us.


Are you sleeping my baby?
Just close your eyes and let me run away
Now, don't cha cry
I am leaving my sweet baby
I've been in love with one who's far away
I can't live a lie
I've got something inside of me you know I can't hide
And each day since I left her
She's been on my mind
So take care of yourself and my, my Ricky besides
He's the best friend I had
I guess this is good-bye

Are you weeping my baby?
I let you down but I just cannot stay
I can't live a lie
Now I am leaving my sweet baby
I got my ticket, it won't pass me by
I can't live a lie

I've got something inside of me you know I can't hide
And each day since I left her
She's been on my mind
So take care of yourself and my, my Ricky besides
He's the best friend I had
I guess this is good-bye
This is good bye

--Ricky’s Tune, David Cassidy, 1972

Ricky's Tune


At the National Museum of Racing, Saratoga Springs, New York.

Saratoga Springs, New York was David Cassidy's favorite place on Earth.

Thank You Susan S. Cox for loving David Cassidy enough to make this memorial a reality.
Thank You Susan S. Cox and Linda de Ambrosio, for all you have done to make this weekend a true celebration of the life and music of David Cassidy.

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