Friday, March 30, 2018

Please try to help yourself be healthier....

Defining obesity…. If you are over-weight at all you probably don’t really want to know this…. But it really doesn’t take that much….. honestly.  I was so shocked, the first time I used a BMI
link: >BMI/bmicalc.htm (that’s Body Mass Index) on the Internet.  Shocked and dismayed, because I really thought that obese equated to those who are more than obviously in an extreme condition….. like 300lbs or more… and that simply is not the true definition –according to Western medicine’s definition of the word ‘obese’.

It is the perception of others, and we cannot know, without talking to a person, what their perception of “fat” is…  I had a co-worker who swore a specific person was “over 300lbs!” and he readily admitted that he had not seen (and KNOWN it) a person who weighed over 300 pounds.  I had. (I had seen someone who weighed 330lbs.) The specific person in question could, conceivably, have weighed 250 pounds and not much more. 

People who have talked to me about, well me,..have said this to me: “you are not fat at all.”  They don’t know. You cannot look at the majority of people and make that assessment.  I appear “not fat” to people partially because I am tall.  They have not ever seen me “thin”.  Only you [and your “significant other(s?)”] know what you look like,….perhaps your doctor. 

My doctor did not tell me that I am “obese”,… I told her! I cannot even show you with a photo of me, because I have learned how to pose, how to stand up a bit straighter and suck in my gut.  That’s right, I have a too big gut,… if I let it go, it’s embarrassing to me how I look. I am not gaining weight,…you know, if you read my blog regularly, that I am working on my diet. 

I am well aware that I need to get more exercise….in some part that extra exercise has been (more or less) thrust upon me at work. My office was switched and now, rather than a quarter mile, my office is more than one half mile from the parking lot, and up stairs! (I work at one of the largest auto manufacture plants in the U.S.)  It’s more of a hike, and I do wear a backpack –to carry my lunch, healthy snacks, and incidentals. Because God forbid I would have to walk to my car for something, --in all honesty –if I have to walk out to my car for anything –I am going home for the day! A half mile walk is the end of me for hours!! I can do my job, that’s not a problem,… I can drive away,… but don’t ever ask me to turn around and make that ½ + mile hike immediately.  I would also mention that I have to go down stairs to get to the “facilities”(bathroom), the nearest facilities are up yet another staircase…. 14 steps… up 14 steps to get to my second floor office, AND down another 2 steps….. indeed.  (see how lazy I am!)

Anyway,… in the same way that we should not be telling people they are “fat”,--we should also not be telling people that they don’t need to lose any weight.  With a mere extra 30 pounds I also have more health “issues”,..nothing that serious, but I get out of breath easily,.. I “feel” the extra weight…it can be a chore to move at all at times….  It makes me wonder about, and feel more sympathy for, those who carry more extra weight than I do! 

I am NOT judging anyone.  But please, please, please, I beg you: if you are carrying so much extra weight that it wears you out…PLEASE look at what you might change about your life…. Try to aim yourself toward healthier habits! Please.  (I know, all too well, what it’s like to eat because it makes you feel better about anything or everything, because it makes you happy, because it’s what you want and that’s ok, because, because…..)  One of my wishes for everyone is that you be or get to a weight that makes life easier for you, because life in general is hard enough…..

If you know me, and there is anything I can do to help you…. Mostly all I can do is listen…. But please, if I can help you I will. No judgement.

I will end here,… still working on my own weight management,…still trying to mostly eat healthier….. and still failing to lose weight myself…..

Thank you for reading this.

Be sympathetic, be kind.

Kindness matters.


for more information:

According to the National Institute of Mental Health, having an “eating disorder was associated with higher levels of suicidal thinking compared to those without an eating disorder.”In such cases, a crisis or addiction helpline could be a life saver. There are many hotlines available to direct you to the most appropriate treatment options for your particular mental health or addiction problems.
If you or someone you love is struggling with a food addiction disorder or another mental health issue, call one of these hotlines today. Help is available.

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