Friday, August 4, 2017


Can anyone explain to me why people would come into a nearly empty cafe, sit in a booth next to another person (occupying the next booth), and then proceed to whisper to each other....  Seriously, they both say, "WHAT?" at full volume every other minute.  The cafe is nearly empty, they could have sat across the room and not felt the need to whisper.  No one in here really gives a "fig" what you're conversating about. 

(yes, I do know that "conversating" is not really a word,...I am compelled to use it -just this once - in case my sweet Michael reads this blog ---"conversating" drives him crazy --this one's for you, my love.... **wink wink**)

It is most annoying to have these people whispering constantly,... especially with the conversation so often punctuated with "what?" "what?" --really Mr. and Mrs. Whisper --GO HOME and talk to each other,...or sit across the room where no one will hear whatever is so freaking important that you are compelled to whisper everything....  (fyi: no one cares about your conversation)

I guess that we should never try to figure out what motivates others.  But if you have something to discuss, that is so important that having the conversation in public requires you to whisper --then more than likely you should be having this discussion at home!

This all reminds me of the time my mother and I were in a elevator, just the two of us, when said elevator stopped and new passengers entered.  As the elevator doors closed I started to talk about the events occurring in a television soap opera that we (mother and I) both watched.  And Mom, God bless her, played along....  "So, if Mark sleeps with Gail,..then Adam is the father of Gail's baby.  If Mark does not sleep with Gail, then she will lose the baby.  And, if David finds out about the baby he will either kill Mark or commit suicide."  And mom replies, "I think that David will commit suicide." and then we stopped talking.  A hand reached out and punched the button for the next floor, the elevator stopped and everyone else got out, leaving buttons lit for 3 other floors above this one.  The elevator doors closed as Mom and I laughed out loud.  Whew! That was fun!

Seriously, if I am that worried about what total strangers might overhear, then I won't be talking in a restaurant to begin with.  And as I wrote this the couple doing all of the whispering did whisper some more, and then they left.  

Peace has returned,... the piped in music -jazzy, cheerful, instrumental fluff,... the cacophony of sounds from the counter area of the cafe,... the sounds of one of the baristas chatting with a customer,... and -very faintly, the slight sounds of rush hour traffic on the roadway some 800 feet distant.




you no like my complaint:

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