Sunday, May 28, 2017

shutting down the disco ducks...

Okay, bear in mind that this is me riffing.... just an off the cuff blog post brought on by sharing a tune with a friend.....

This about shutting down the "disco ducks",... two young dudes who lived across the street and three houses down... 

1980, warm day, sun shining.... I have fairly new HUGE stereo speakers... and an expensive 14 watt receiver, hooked up to a programmable turntable with remote control.... It's an impressive setup for someone my age at the time.

I am in my bedroom, which is what I call a bowling alley,'s a room approximately 11 feet wide and 17 feet was once the one-car garage of this ranch home.  A brick house, reddish bricks faded to a pink shade.  I was probably watching television, or reading.....

Down the street these two young men decide that it's a lovely day to play frisbee the street.  Unfortunately they also think that it is a good idea to play disco on the radio of their van. Yes, the kind of Chevy Van with a bed in it....I guess, I wouldn't really know, because these were exactly the kind of boys I stayed away from.   So, they are out there tossing the frisbee, with the disco noise cranked way up, as loud as it probably would go.

No way! I think, no f**king way..... not on my street!  I take my big-a$$ speakers and put them in the windows, facing the street.  The speakers fit perfectly into those windows....
And I take out my Styx album: Pieces of Eight.  I put that vinyl on the turntable, 

Styx: Pieces of Eight

I started with the volume on the receiver set about halfway up.... and went up in increments until the disco ducks packed it up and got into their crappy van and drove away.  Then I turned the volume down to a more acceptable level for indoor listening, and put my speakers back on their stands.


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