Tuesday, May 30, 2017


George A. Tagge, we shared a Mom; he was my half-brother. He passed away on May 29, 2017.

George Allen Tagge was born in September of 1934, to Lillian (1918-2005) and George “Jock” Tagge (1914-1968).  They lived in Arlington Heights, Illinois when he was a small child.  His mother put a harness on him, and attached the cord to the clothes line, so that he could spend time outdoors, we can surmise that he was some kind of escape artist at the age of 2, otherwise why was he on a leash? Actually he was grateful to have been able to spend the time outdoors.

From some time during his 2nd or 3rd year he lived with his maternal Aunt, Mamie (Mae) and Uncle Pete (Elmer) Stade, and grew up for several years with their two boys, Peter and Leroy. They lived in Maine Township. Around age 12 he returned to live with his mother, Lillian and her second husband, Jim Scheiden.

George attended Maine Township High School (now known as Maine East).  He also graduated from DeVry Technical Institute in Chicago.

George was married to Laurelle Hasselmann (March 1955) and they had two children Gail and Bruce.  They lived in Urbana, Illinois until 1964, when they moved to Satellite Beach, Florida.  In 1975 they moved to Cincinnati, Ohio.  They divorced after 25 years of marriage.

He worked for PanAm, and was involved with NASA in some capacity.  I have no details.

George was married to Claudia Horner in the early 1980’s until the time of his death. They lived in Kentucky.


I won't go into a lot of detail here, but suffice to say that George and I were never close.  It is a fact that I told our Mother, many years before her passing, that when she died I would probably never hear from George again.  (Over the last 12 years we have emailed less than 7 times, only regarding deaths in the family. We have not spoken or otherwise been in contact with each other.  This was his decision, I was prepared for it and I did not take it personally. I made peace with this a long time ago.)

There were details that I was unaware of at that time.  (I won't make those details public.)

Here are the facts:

George's parents, Lillian and Jock, were married to each other.

Lillian loved her son, very much.  I need not argue this point, because his children know that his mother loved him, and that is all that matters.

His mother was very proud of him.


Here is a link to the funeral home obituary:  George A. Tagge, 1934-2017


Please direct condolences to his wife, children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren.

colorized photo

1 comment:

  1. https://deepthaw-ts.blogspot.com/2019/07/50-years-ago-today-man-on-moon.html
