Sunday, May 7, 2017

I have been going through a blue period…. melancholia has tried to plant its roots in me, and destroy my life.  I have long known that music can be used, by me, for good or for evil….the evil being my undoing- leading in that melancholy direction, but in a progression that reveals its destination to me…thereby enabling me to head it off at the pass, as it were,…. So that I can redirect my listening pattern to more upbeat tunage….

So that is where I am right now…staving off the melancholia of this era of my life.  I am not where I ever thought I would be.  Physically, mentally, metaphorically…I am a million miles from what I wanted as a young person.  How did I ever end up here?

I have a dear friend, with whom I am totally sympatico in this aspect of being.  He understands.  I know that I confound him, but we agree on many levels. For standing by me I love him. (but, as usual, I digress...)

How do we get to a point of being where we look backward and see that there were more rebellious choices, that would have led to very different possible outcomes.  This writing, today, is not leading anyplace, but if you have been paying attention you know that I often get off the track in the midst of trying to capture my thoughts in writing… they are so elusive,…my mind races in an obsessive compulsive scattered way, and I become distracted in the research aspect, and end at a difference place than my intended destination.


……..and…….I just lost this one…..  but I will return when inspiration slaps me in the face next.

Here is a link to the upbeat tunage:

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