Saturday, October 1, 2022

death of a personal era

 I hope that I can get my "mojo" back.

An era ended with the damned covid... the cafe I loved was closed, like everything else that was considered "non-essential".  When it opened again there were new rules in place,... at first the new rules were state-mandated: a time limit of 2 hours was set in place. And when the state stopped interfering the cafe owner decided to keep the restrictive time limit.

My creativity was often inspired during hours long cafe sessions... I could see out the windows, and eavesdrop on the coversations of strangers.  That truly led me to be creative and write hundreds of blog posts in just a few years of sessions at the cafe; most of which lasted in excess of 5 hours.

I haven't been to the cafe in months.  Something else led me to library for the stronger, more reliable internet connection....

The library just doesn't do it for me. I am isolated in a room with no window to outdoors, and no fascinating conversations to eavesdrop, no interesting people to observe. 

(no little boys to climb up and give me a spontaneous and much needed hug)

I miss that time. I miss that feeling.  Even though it was a very tough period of my life employment-wise - unemployment and low paying jobs....

Here's to new chapters and new experiences.

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