Saturday, July 14, 2018

If I could save time in a bottle...

When I was twelve years old I watched a made for television movie called She Lives!. It was a Wednesday.... they showed movies in 90 minute time slots, usually one on Tuesday evening, and another on Wednesday evening.

I made sure to tune in, because I had seen previews the night before.... also because I was familiar with the work of Desi Arnaz, Jr., and Season Hubley, who starred in this particular movie.  As you can surmise from the title, the young woman the movie is about is ill and could be dying. The music for the story? Well, the love theme, played over the ending credits was a song called Time In A Bottle.  And it touched my heart, it spoke to my soul.... naturally, I was a 12 year old girl, still learning about my emotions.

The song was written and performed by a man named Jim Croce.  The date was September 12, 1973.

Just 8 days later Jim Croce was dead.

Our hearts were broken. I remember walking into our kitchen, Friday, September 21, 1973,.... my mother turned off the radio as I entered the room. She tearfully told me that the man who wrote and sang Time In A Bottle had been killed in a plane crash the night before.  She turned the radio back on.... WGN personality Wally Phillips was talking about Jim Croce,.... and then they played Time In A Bottle.  And we cried. 

Naturally that song, Time In A Bottle, holds great meaning for me.  It is my favorite song of my entire life.  I wish I had taken it to heed more than I have ......  

remembering,... this memory still makes me cry....will always make me cry....

If I could save time in a bottle,.... I would save those 8 days in September 1973.....



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