Friday, January 5, 2018

Potpourri,... miscellaneous

Yes, I am showing off that I can spell miscellaneous,... and I did not need to google it or use spell checker....  I did, however, google "potpourri" *wink* because that I was not so sure about....  but I digress...  
This will be a mixed bag blog, short bursts on a few different thoughts, none of which would amount to what I consider a blog of proper length.  Yes, I know, some bloggers shoot for more is less, but if you know me,..... well,... I do go on. sometimes. 

Since I mentioned spelling I will start there...  My mother had a reasonable collection of books long before I was ever thought of.  What that meant was that she was going to encourage me to be a reader. There was a proper collection of children's books, and a few special books -meant for me to enjoy before anyone else. One book I remember in particular was a phonics book -all about pronunciation and parts of words --how to "sound it out".  Also, she enrolled me in a book of the month club, so that every month a book came in the mail -addressed to me! (Children love to get mail of their own, btw.) The net result of all that was that I came to love letters and words and the sound of someone reading aloud.  So, spelling is natural to me,.. it was my best subject in school -my favorite.  In the 7th grade there was a spelling bee for the entire 7th grade, I am going to guess around 300 kids.... and before me in the line were a pair of straight A students, and it was not them, but me -- who could spell "lieutenant" correctly, because I had practiced that word more than any other..... go ahead, when you meet me, and ask me to spell "lieutenant".

As a small tot I also watched game shows like Password and Concentration, which were word games. View an episode of Concentration from back in the day -click here.


Tagless underwear. What a great idea! no more tags to make us scratch the back of our necks, and other places....  here is my issue: at my age I cannot remember what size.... I mean women's clothing sizes anyway! One size for "outer" clothing, and another size for underwear,... who remembers all that?  So, tagless means that they imprint the size information onto the fabric, where (wonder of wonders) it wears away in the laundry. What the heck, I need to look at the size label when I am going to buy new......  oy! (not everything is a terrific idea)

Michael Jordan ad for tagless Hanes

It's the end of 2017 and it's bastard cold outside.  And it snowed,... for some reason my neighbor decided to place their recycling bin in the street rather than on the lawn.  In the snow, ...we have about 3 inches of snow on the ground because it snowed most of the day yesterday. Very early this morning the trash collectors came through, and they decided to place her trash can in the street -next to the still full recycling bin.  That's fine, except for one rather important detail... the postal carrier will now NOT be able to drive up to our mailboxes. And I would be truly shocked if that person were to come out in 3 degree weather to get her trash can and recycle bin.... because she cannot collect those 2 items when the weather is nice and there is no snow.....  
That said, I am OK with not getting any mail today....   

(below 15F/-9C for a couple of weeks already.....)

I live in an association. That means that there are a few rules. It also means that I do not have to shovel snow, rake leaves, or mow the lawn.  It also means that there are always leaves and trash in the alcove where my front door is, which is very annoying. Back to those rules... which I have not thoroughly perused...  I have to wonder about things,.... like the guy catty corner across the road with the pickup truck in his driveway.... The thing about the guy's pickup truck is that it has 4 flat tires,... and it has been on that exact spot for the entire 4 years I have owned this townhome. What is up with that! I am glad that I cannot see that from inside my unit... if that was the view out of my living room window I would certainly be complaining. I do not understand what that is about, and I think that person is the definition of "white trash" for keeping that old, faded, ugly vehicle sitting there with 4 flat tires. ...there go the property values.... *wink*


I have allergies. Sinus issues. Year round allergies... standard stuff mostly: grass, trees, pollen, dust, mold...  Anyway, I use nasal spray regularly, especially in the winter.  I found a great product last winter: sinus buster. It has more "natural" ingredients, and it's pretty potent stuff... anyway this winter I searched for it in stores all over the area.... I could only find (are you ready for this?) the "chili pepper" variety.  I kid you not! Chili pepper Sinus Buster nasal spray. That does not sound like a good thing, especially if you are not interested in "consuming" chili peppers.  Well, let me tell you-- Chili Pepper sinus buster works like a charm!! It definitely clears the sinuses,... it's more mild than you might imagine. Blocked sinus passages piss me off just enough that I decided to be brave and try something new. click here

did you think I was kidding?


Butter in the coffee.... yes. I read about this a couple of years ago, and at the time I thought it might be interesting to try, but those people are CrAZy! 
But it's in the "keto" diet.... because you cannot have sugar or milk,.... and a week ago, for the first time, I put butter in my coffee.  I like the flavor of melted butter... and you can detect that flavor -just a little-....  it is NOT bad....  just 2 tablespoons of butter in 18 ounces of coffee.... I can get into this... for the first time in many years coffee is tasting better to me...weird, I know!

as of this posting I have cut WAY back on sugar and carbs as well.  WAY back,... my mother would be shocked. I am a little surprised at myself...

Yes, I need to lose few pounds more than I would like to admit....  Being that I am already, by necessity, gluten free,... this is a piece of high-fat butter cake *wink*.


you learn something new every day -it's a fact


them's my stories and I am standing by them...................

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