Friday, January 12, 2018

diet: the sum of food consumed by a person

This is and is not about weight loss.

It is definitely about overall health first and weight management second.

I cannot consume gluten. I should avoid any and all contact with gluten in any form. That is a fact. I have celiac disease. "Celiac disease is a serious autoimmune disorder that can occur in genetically predisposed people where the ingestion of gluten leads to damage in the small intestine..." and leaves one... " risk for long-term health complications." This is no laughing matter. If I want to function, at all, I must adhere to a gluten free diet.

THIS IS ABOUT A LIFESTYLE.  Diet is essentially a lifestyle.  Some of us must follow some rules which make up a lifestyle, or way of living -so that we can go on living --and not feel unwell all the time. This is necessary if we want to function, think clearly, and not feel fatigued all the time. To not feel bloated and uncomfortable every single day we must teach ourselves to follow a protocol that is often individualized to some extent.

My mother's favorite line was "everyone is different".  That is so true. Everyone with dietary restrictions is different, what one can tolerate another cannot. 

In the time since my diagnosis other issues have surfaced. My theory is that my body was working so hard to survive, as it attacked it's own cells, that it somehow masked other food sensitivities. In other words, about two years after my diagnosis I discovered that I have a sensitivity to citrus. I ate some tangerines, in fact I enjoyed those tangerines. And then wondered why I had such severe itching... no hives in that first exposure, no symptom other than the itching. Only a few short weeks later, when I drank some 100% orange juice, did I experience a more pronounced reaction: hives,.. big, raspberry hives all over the back of my lower legs. I had to sit down and think about what I had eaten that was not a regular part of my diet. Unfortunately 100% orange juice was a regular "pick me up" for me, giving me a charge of vitamin C and literally a "caffiene"-like charge good for a couple of hours of energy. And then I remembered the tangerines and the hive-less itching. An allergist confirmed that I would never again enjoy grapefruit, orange juice, tangerines, limes, lemons.... 

(other sensitivities include allergies to strawberries, mushrooms, shellfish, bleu cheese.... and I do not eat fish of any kind -no seafood, no freshwater fish)


Now, years after the diagnosis of celiac disease, and a few other food "issues" later, I have arrived at a new threshold.... I am obese. That is to say that I meet the medical definition of 'obese'. It doesn't take much! I mean I thought that I was okay at 175 to 180 pounds, at 5 foot 8 inches tall.... but that is within the definition or diagnosis of "obesity".  According to medical calculations 175 is 20 pounds more than my 'ideal' weight. I know, I know... those old calculations are "off", and I should not worry about them..... BUT here is the thing: I am unwell. I get winded easily. I lack stamina. Like many Americans, my life is FAR TOO sedentary. I don't get any exercise. And I feel it all! 

And, I am at a crossroads. I am at a point in life where I must decide to change my diet, to live a healthier lifestyle - OR die.  Okay, death is not imminent, but it ain't so far away any more either.
I am not afraid of death,... like my momma always said: "when The Lord is ready, He will take you home, and there is nothing you can do about it."  That said, I would like to be able to stand, and walk, and (here's a biggie) get myself to the toilet and take care of bodily functions without the assistance of another human being. That is the basic, and essential issue --bodily functions.

So, if you know me on Facebook, or on Twitter, you may have noticed that I have begun to share certain recipes,.. .and I have mentioned "keto" diet or "keto" recipes. 

That is a lot of BACON and butter,...and high-fat, low-carb foods..... which I will thoroughly enjoy.... the more recipes I see the better this sounds to me! Here's to no longer feeling hungry all the time,....

This is my new journey,..made easier because I was already following dietary restrictions anyway.... and who needs all that sugar! Starting with bone broth and butter in my coffee and going new places, and hopefully losing the excess weight.... 155? I don't care about that, if I can just get back to 170, I will be pretty darn happy, and have way more stamina and energy.

Stay tuned folks, because succeed or fail, I will be sharing the results, periodically......


References and information:

link to A Beginner's Guide to the Ketogenic diet.

Link to:

Link to and the FORUMs where you can ask questions and learn from others with Celiac Disease

The Celiac Disease Foundation link

(speaking of updates,....after writing this, and clearly prior to publishing it --I have learned about "Carb cycling" which means that I don't have to give up all carbs permanently,.... like any diet, I can take a break for a day, eat whatever I want -that is gluten free, and then go back to NO carbs....)

(As an "aside" I have not had any alcohol in over 6 weeks now.... partially due to the hours I am working, partially due to just not wanting it, and partially because it would mean consuming sugar- both in the alcohol and because I mix it with soda pop.)

(1/27/2018) follow up note: please note that I did not make a rapid lifestyle change for this keto diet. I have eased into this gradually.  I would caution anyone to make this change slowly, so as not to shock your system and become ill.  I have not consulted a doctor about this, because doctors don't know everything and tend to stick to what I call 'the party line', meaning that a doctor will more than likely tell you that increasing your fat intake and eating more bacon are "bad" for you.  Please, if you are considering this, do READ very carefully about the the keto diet, as the fats that are included are good fats.

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