Wednesday, May 17, 2017

we are.... melted into air, into thin air (dream or nightmare?)

How strange are my dreams….well, last night (this morning?) I had the usual fare….

I was with my dog, and it really was my Joss in the beginning.  I was putting her harness on her and picking her up off of a sofa….getting ready to take her outside.  I cannot describe the interior of the house at all, but the layout was the house I grew up in –in Des Plaines, Illinois.  But not exactly that house.  Then again, it’s a dream so things are kind of fuzzy in the periphery.  I go out the door with the dog, but then she becomes part of that fuzzy periphery.

Next I am with a young man, and we are outdoors doing some kind of yard clean up.  We are gathering sticks and weeds to remove them from the yard.  Now this is not the yard of the house I grew up in, this house is out in the countryside.  It makes me think of my cousin’s house and yard in Crystal Lake, but that is not the location either.

The young man and I start walking around the house, to the south of it.  There are trees and shrubs and then there is a wolf…. I would say wolf and not coyote, because this is a very large animal.  The young man tells me to just keep walking, don’t pay the animal any attention.  Now I am carrying a pair of blue jeans, and I turn to face the wolf and try to hit with the blue jeans, extended the pants and lashing out at the animal, as it gets closer and closer.

Now the wolf is gone, and I holding hands with the young man.  I ask him if he thinks I put the dog inside the house and closed the door tightly.  He tells me that I probably did put the dog in and close the door and lock it.  We pass through a doorway, that is like the doorway to the breezeway of the house I grew up in, except that there is no breezeway, we are going outdoors again.  I had no idea that we had gone indoors.  And just like that the young man lets go of my hand and slips away, and he is gone.

There is my mother, opening a coconut –like that is an easy thing to do… and I am glad that we have the coconut.  We are in a kitchen that I do not recognize.  Mom opens that coconut and easily scoops out what she calls the meat of the coconut –easily –as if it were coconut oil in solidified form.  And we start to eat the coconut, which must be chewed as if it were actually the “meat“ of the coconut.  It’s good.  And then I wake up.

Nothing weird about it? I suppose.  Here is an explanation of where some of that came from:

The dog—I watched Mad About You last night, and it was the episode where Murray, the Buchman’s dog, gets dognapped by Nate the dog walker.  Nate puts a red coat on Murray the dog, my Joss wore a red harness. 

The young man – well, yesterday I did spend some time communicating, via Messenger, with my friend M. and I was thinking about someone else.  I also thought of some of my nephews, young men.
The house I grew up in --- need I say more? I grew up there, for 20 years, it’s a part of who I am.  I guess I did think specifically about that house – 2 days before the dream.

The locale and the fact that it changed—I don’t know. I did think about my cousin’s property in Crystal Lake in the last couple of days.

The wolf – a friend shared information on Facebook about what to do if you are out walking and you encounter a coyote,..that was yesterday.

Beyond that I do not know,… why a coconut? Your guess is as good as mine.

Just don’t give me that dream analysis baloney, because just like I did here, I can usually figure out where the components of my dreams began. --- What the mind, in sleep, does with all of it – welcome to my own personal Twilight Zone.

“We are such stuff
As dreams are made on; and our little life
Is rounded with a sleep.” -- Prospero, The Tempest Act 4, scene 1, 156-158

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