Tuesday, March 14, 2017

wifi...out of order....

It is a big letdown to get inside a restaurant that claims to have free wifi, where in fact I have used the free wifi,… and it’s not working.  I am not sure I believe that… really? What is wrong with it….. why does wifi just fail? What are they trying to prove?  No. I really do not believe them.  This is at a Denny’s where I have used the free wifi on many occasions in the recent past.  This is also the case, very consistently, at the McDonald’s nearest my home.  I no longer go to that McDonald’s for anything, because every time I have tried to get on their “free wifi” it just plain does not work.  If I am going to drive all the way to the next McDonald’s I may as well go to the library, it’s almost the same distance from my home, wifi is free at the library, and I can spend all day there online for free.  (Well, of course I pay taxes to that particular library district, so it’s not totally free, but look at your property tax statement – I bet you pay less than $20 a year for the public library.)

What I am getting at, though, is that I go to a café almost every day, and their free wifi is ALWAYS working.  How can that be?  McDonald’s and Denny’s, who both advertise “free wifi” fail consistently, but an independent café has wifi that never fails.  

I came to Denny’s today to use the free wifi, while I wait for my lunch date, who will not be here for more than an hour.  So, I am here with nothing to do but write a blog about the problems of not having Internet at home….  And, NO, I do not have a smart phone, or whatever people are using to access the Internet at the merest whim.  Believe me, after having Internet access in the palm of my hand for 3 or 4 years, it is not easy to be without it entirely at home.  That is a large portion of the day…. No longer can I look up some trivial information on the spur of the moment.  It changes the way I think….  I shrug off a great many questions.  I have no GPS, not that that is exactly a challenge for someone who can read a map.  No Pinterest, no Facebook, no Google, nothing,… “no Internet” being literal and complete.  There are many frustrations that come along with that. 

At my house there is no landline telephone, no Internet or wifi, and no “live” television either.  When I put live in quotation marks I mean that there is no signal, of any kind, coming into my home: no cable, no satellite, and I have no antenna.  In the last few days I have also learned that they are now making most televisions with no tuner –that means that having an antenna may not do you any good, if your television does not have a tuner to bring in the signal.  One way or another the powers that be are bound and determined to force us to pay for television.  My father, a tv “head”, is rolling in his grave: television is supposed to be FREE!  But I digress….

In order to get on the Internet I must get dressed and drive away from my house to the library or to the café, or any other establishment that provides free wifi.  The library closest to my home is great, offering rooms with doors and thus a “private office”, although that room is not soundproof; you can hear the people in the rooms on either side of you, and anyone outside the room (usually children too young to understand that the library requires quiet).  For example, there is a woman who uses one of these library rooms to make a phone call, about once a week….apparently a very distressing phone call, as she cries, sobbing loudly, talking through her tears –it is more than a little disconcerting if you are in the next door room.  Others hold meetings in these rooms, and they are not quiet about it.  Quite a few of us trek to the library and set up our “office” for hours at a time. 

The café I go to is about 1.75 miles from my house.  The most convenient, warm, dry, safe place to use free wifi.  They will allow a person to occupy a booth all day long, so long as you do not try to do that every day of the week.  I usually have something else to do, during my period of unemployment, at least a couple of days of the week.  And, for those of you who may not know it: the Internet gets old and boring after a couple of weeks of being online all day long.  I know this because I once had a job where there was not enough work to keep me busy all day long, yet I had to be there all day long; so the company owner told me that I could do “anything” I wanted to occupy myself.  I could read a book, play solitaire, do crafts, or “play” on the Internet –all day long!  It does get old.  Mind you, I am job hunting, which –these days – is best done on the Internet.  One can spend the better part of the day applying for jobs on various websites.  I read tutorials, and watch videos, and visit LinkedIn, all in an effort to find a job, learn more about finding a job, increase knowledge of skills I already possess…whatever is “free” with that Internet connection.

When I get tired of job hunting and filling out applications, etc. on the Internet I go to social media and “visit” with my friends and relatives.  This is my primary contact with other people.

So you can understand that it is inconvenient to not have Internet at home…….  the gasoline for the drive across town (which I find a chore and hey: my car guzzles gasoline!) or the cost of a cup of coffee or tea or water at the café…. It’s a small price to pay for “free” wifi.  And it is a huge disappointment to plan on using the “free” wifi  in a specific place, only to find out that it is “out of order”.   

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