Thursday, March 23, 2017

Examples of fine acting,....Villians we love to hate.

I am not entirely certain when it happened, but I have come love nothing more than a good, juicy, purely evil television character… sometimes in a stand alone television episode and other times in long term rolls…  I am talking, here, about a kind of pure evil, and only when portrayed by a finely talented actor…. one who can uncannily understand how to become that evil, with a mesmerizing, hypnotic ability. They make you uncomfortable, you squirm in your chair....  -these are the finest actors in any media, the ones you know you will be watching for a long time to come……

 the first time I saw Roger Howarth he was portraying the EVIL Todd Manning on OLTL, and I knew then, that he was magic..... we LOVED to hate that character, and we could not look away.....    (One Life To Live, ABC 1993)
Roger Howarth as Todd Manning -1993

We found Todd Manning, with his mane of long hair, to be rather ugly and undesireable (despite the analysis of others)….   “he is a loathsome, offensive brute, yet I cannot look away” …. 

We couldn’t NOT watch the story unfold….. (grandma would squirm in her chair and say that he made her uncomfortable, but she did not want me to turn off the program)….  This is a mark of fine acting ability, we could not stop –had to know what happened next…..  and the day I told Gran that they were going to “redeem” Todd Manning, she was shocked and said it was not possible.  In true soap opera fashion, as often found in the One Life To Live canon of the era, they did soften the character just enough to keep him a fixture in the stories.   

When Todd kidnapped Rebecca Lewis, and actually started to listen to what she had to say it was mesmerizing.  Rebecca had several opportunities to wound Todd and affect an escape, yet she stayed because somehow, through all the bluff, she saw the humanity in his tortured soul.

Roger Howarth was and is brilliant, he masterfully took a one dimensional character to great heights.  Todd Manning was evil personified, a rapist who egged his friends into joining him in the heinous act, it was a reign of terror that went on for months. 
 Robert Knepper as Theodore "T-Bag" Bagwell

Prison Break (premiere August 2005)  Robert Knepper as T-Bag was deliciously evil.  “T-Bag is one of the most villainous members of the Fox River Eight” a gang of escapees from Fox River State Penitentiary, a maximum security prison.  T-Bag bullies his way into the escape plan with almost disastrous results.  

He handcuffs himself to a leader of the escapees so that they cannot get away without him. 
Later to facilitate their getaway, one of the escapees severs T-Bag’s hand at the wrist because they have no other way to remove the handcuffs.  T-Bag stuffs his severed hand into his armpit and staggers away, later forcing a veterinarian to reattach the limb, and he (T-Bag) continues to run from the law enforcement officers who are searching for the escapees.  

Actor Robert Knepper’s over the top portrayal is mind boggling.  He comes across almost as the Devil incarnate. A deliciously evil, totally spellbinding portrayal….  “T-Bag is quite eloquent and many women find him charming….” it’s true, it made me, as a viewer, hate the character even more, and yet I could not look away, as if I were one of his victims –unable to escape.

d'Abo as Nicole Wallace 
Law and Order: Criminal Intent   - (recurring character) -Olivia d'Abo. as Nicole Wallace is brilliant in her evilness, at turns pretending to be an innocent and threatening retribution against Detective Goren for seeing through her deceptive practices.  This is a woman so evil that she murdered her own child, then killed a woman and used the woman’s identity to travel the world.  Nicole Wallace is the Irene Adler to Robert Goren’s Sherlock Holmes, she is his biggest nemesis, and one of few people Goren is fascinated enough to spar with –delighting viewer every time he gets her in the interrogation booth.
Vincent D'Onofrio as Bobby Goren with Roy Scheider as Mark Ford Brady
Law and Order: Criminal Intent  -- Roy Scheider as Mark Ford Brady a chilling serial killer, masterfully portrayed by Mr. Scheider…in the season 6 episode Endgame and seen in a flashback during season 10.  One of Roy Scheider’s last performances was one of his most chilling and spellbinding, and must be viewed to be truly appreciated.

Michael Gross as Arthur Esterman
Law and Order: SVU  --- Michael Gross as Arthur Esterman in a stand alone episode in which his character:  “Arthur follows Greta to the park and blitz-attacks her while she is walking their dog. During the attack, he rapes her with a tree branch and stabs her to death in a fit of rage.”   Arthur Esterman is a murderer and rapist almost without conscience who uses ecstasy and Viagra in an effort to satisfy his lust (thus the name of the episode is Lust).  Again, this portrayal must be viewed to be appreciated.

(aside: I once met Michael Gross and surprised him by speaking of his work on SVU by way of introduction. He appeared intrigued by my reference to SVU ahead of his other rolls.)

Finally we have:  Farscape – Wayne Pygram as Scorpius, a chilling persona, half Sebacean (humanoid) and half Scarran….. a misunderstood heavily motivated villain, who is at turns terrifying and fascinating….  
Scorpius’ mother was Sebacean and she died in childbirth, leaving her infant in the hands of the Scarrans, a truly terrifying prospect. (“According to Scorpius' brutal "foster mother" Tauza, the gestation shattered Rylani's psyche and she pleaded for death. This finally came to pass during Scorpius' birth.”)   For more on the birth and youth of Scorpius one must view the Season 3 episode Incubator ) The Scarrans treat young Scorpius as nothing more than a science experiment to determine whether they can make use of Scarran-Sebacean hybrids, and one shudders to think what would have happened had they decided this to be a useful plan.

More I cannot say here, lest I spoil the entire viewing experience of Farscape for the reader…..


It should be noted that I have been a TV “head” for decades, so I could go on and on here, but will leave more for another blog post, another day…..

Quality in television matters...... they can't stop the signal......

All references may be found by clicking the links provided.

my dear. old Dad  (kidding! but he was a TV head too...

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