Friday, February 17, 2017

You Can Be More (02/17/2017)

I understand that today is "Random Acts Of Kindness" day.... okay, but I practice random acts of kindness on a regular basis.  All you need to do is hold a door for someone, or say "thank you" when someone does something for you -even if they were just doing their job.

Frequently, when I am grocery shopping, people approach me to ask a question -they mistakenly think that I work in the store.  Usually I have no idea where they get that impression, but I take it in stride.  I inform the person that I do not, in fact, work for the store, ...but, "what are you looking for? perhaps I can help anyway."  This never fails to astonish the person with the question, but - what the heck? If I can help why wouldn't I?  Seriously....
I have noticed that I am sometimes wearing a shirt or a vest that makes me appear to be an employee of the store I am in.... I have to be careful about wearing certain shades of blue or red.... and, in the wintertime, I wear a vest with a lot of pockets (instead of carrying a purse).

Often times the person accosting me with a question is elderly.  That makes me want to help.  You see, my aging mother lived at my house -I had to help her for years....  I have empathy, therefore I offer to help people who have asked for help.
I remember one woman, in the baking aisle, who was trying to find yeast. I knew approximately where to look for yeast in that baking aisle, so I helped her search.  Turned out that yeast was on sale, so I bought some myself (yeah, I don't really bake, but you never know....).  But I got a charge out of the delight on the old woman's face when we located the yeast --not a big seller, and truly tough to find in that particular store.

That's the thing -- I help people, and my reward is seeing how pleased they are to find what they need..... or just how happy they are that someone acknowledged their efforts with a simple "thank you".

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