Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Flashback 1973

Yes, Mother was a Pack Rat... possibly the queen of the pack rats, and excelling in the art of hiding it all, like the lining of a nest........  Taking Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder to new heights.... 

Anyway, here is an article from January 13, 1974, by Jack Mabley, who was a popular Chicago Tribune columnist at the time:

Wow, 7% mortgages, Spiro Agnew, Watergate (Haldeman & Ehrlichman), and $1.50 for a gallon of gasoline. Imagine that!  It was a glorious time to be alive, 
but we didn't realize it at the time.

Crazy predictions for 1974.... I am not going to look any of that up --Google it yourself!
Milk for $2.00 a gallon!

.....oops! the town we lived in did build a new city hall and later discovered that they could not open the windows..(but that was around 1980).....

and it ends with a quote from Yoko Ono, the great prophetess of 1973....  


Clearly no one had a crystal ball, they could not even imagine what would be going on in 2017! 
It boggles the mind... 
....oh, the humanity!

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