This will never fail to amuse me, for the remainder of my life... it's what my boss called a "jug handle"... sometimes, in a few areas of the East Coast of the United States, you have to turn right to turn left... And, yes, that does sound very wrong. However, having observed the amount of traffic and the general conditions of many of these areas, it makes complete sense, from a safety standpoint. Haven't you ever driven by your destination, which would be on the left side of the road, and then turned around and gone back for the express purpose of turning right instead of waiting forever to make a left turn in a busy traffic area? I have. So, this sign is not really all that confusing:
however I wish these signs were more noticeable in such areas where you have the "jug handle" situation.
refer, if you will to this link: particular I find this amusing because of a co-worker... he never would listen to me, and I really only talked to him if I had something really relevant to say.... for example: "sometimes you have to go right to go left...." Naturally he did not listen to me, so we drove for about 20 minutes to make a 5 minute trip.... somewhere in New Jersey. And I absolutely cound NOT laugh at all. If I had laughed at all he would have made life very miserable for days, possibly weeks. So, I had to be all serious and tell him that the next exit from the particular road we were on was about 8 miles distant, and that it would indeed take at least another 15 minutes to go the distance and return to where we needed to be. As it happened we were quite early, so no harm done, except of course for the fact that mr. high and mighty had taken an ego blow. Because I was able to refrain from laughing I then had the upper hand, so to speak, for the next few days. ---not that I wanted to participate in the competition, but I digress.... I could write volumes about the conflict and issues of dealing with dr. jekyll and mr. hyde..... Jug handles.... hehehe..... 😎