Saturday, January 27, 2024

About the Deep Thaw-ts blog

I have had this blog Deep Thaw-ts for over 10 years now... very nearly 11 years.

There is a variety of articles here: some long and rambling memories of my past life, and some short, lyrical (or not) poems, or heartfelt reminiscences.  

For the long, rambling posts: I thank you for your patience.
For the short, poetical posts: I thank you for being a fan.

When I think about this blog, and the varying posts I think that what is written is coming from where my personality (personalities?) are on a given day.

Believe me, when real inspiration hits: I run with that, and do my damnedest to not turn it into a long and rambling tirade/dissertation.

What comes is what comes, and I am well aware that less is more, as they say.

If something I have written has somehow helped you: God Bless.

If I have offended you: too bad, get over it. This is who I am.

If I have not offended you: please be patient as I will get to you eventually. 😉😎

{if you mistakenly came to this place thinking that Deep Thaw-ts 
is something other than "deep thoughts - defrosting my brain cells" 
- shame on you, and you deserved to be disappointed}


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