Tuesday, August 2, 2022


Many years ago I had a trip planned.  This person I knew wanted visit a relative in Hawaii, and I was asked to be the companion traveler.  Who would not pass up a “free” trip to Hawaii, especially if you’ve never been.

But what happened was that my mother died 3 days before we were to leave on the trip.  Everyone I, spoke to said, “you’re still going to Hawaii, right? Because she’d want you to go.” So I went. I went because she knew about the trip and, in the way we had of teasing each other, it had occurred to me that she “went with the angels” because it was the only way she could go with me.

And the coolest thing happened: we visited an ashram, where people of many faiths had come together to live and meditate… and they had a beautiful garden,… and in that garden it happened.

A monarch butterfly appeared. And I thought to myself “she’s here”, thinking of my mother. That butterfly fluttered it’s way all around the beautiful garden, within the surrounding trees, a large somewhat circular area. It took my breath away, as I turned slowly, following the progress of the butterfly. It made me feel so happy, pleased, euphoric…  monarchs were her favorite butterfly.

[Monarch butterflies are not common in the islands.]

And that’s not all… a few days later, returning from the beach at the hotel, I paused in a clearing and there, amongst the palm trees and native plants was the monarch butterfly again.  It fluttered around me and went on it’s way. 

Thank you, mommy, for sending me signs.

butterflies are free song





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