Sunday, December 5, 2021

my beloved dream

 I was meant to live in another century.

I am not where I belong. Where I belong is not of this era.

I was meant to be among a certain people.  In another time I was known to them. Those with whom I belong.  In this lifetime I am punished; separated from those I would call beloved.  At once I am alone and yet know of those with whom I belong.  It is punishment and heartbreak to know of them, to love them so dearly, and yet to never have known the one, and only have met the other and been found by him objectionable, unworthy of conversation.

My heart is broken knowing that one has perished from this life cycle. The other will remain apart from me, perhaps for eternity.  My only hope that the next life cycle will bring me back to the love of the other. It is difficult for me to even share this much.  I pray that I have the chance, in the next life cycle, to fulfill the longing for the sweet, beloved one, and know this is real and he is for me and I for him. Please may he recognize me in that other lifetime.

I fear that there will not be another cycle for me, and the cowardice of this cycle will be the legacy of my existence. That I will be no more.

“Some days it is a heroic act just to refuse the paralysis of fear and straighten up and step into another day.”
― Edward Albert

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